News: Granton Locals (16 Dec 1910)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Hart, Marsh, Cole, Davis, Hogenson, Hubing, Holmes, Knorr, Rausch, Lautenbach, Anding, Schwartz, Krause, Redmond, Neinas, Puffahl, Witte, Riemer, Doughty, Paulson, Wonser, Wright, Dennis, Amidon, Schmoll, Grassman, Howard, Meacham, Glass, Berg, Bradbury, Hoene, Gullick, Rose, Schlinsog, McIntyre, Brooks, Hughes, Martin, Owen, Budge, Coil, Tompkins, Klein, Hederer, Zeise, Garbush, Slocomb, Kurth, Tragsdorf, Oldenberg, Nonhof, Kohl, Kurzrok, Wolff, Sonata, Stecher, Beil, Riedel, Lynch, German, Kissling
----Source: The Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., WI.) December 16, 1910
Granton Locals (16 December 1910)
Mr. and Mrs. Geo Hart Sundayed at Marshfield
Miss Ora Marsh was at Chili between trains Tuesday.
Victor Cole went to Marshfield Tuesday.
All-spiced and Holland Herring going at 55c per pail at Witte’s
Mrs. W. S. Davis and son Lawrence visited Neillsville Tuesday.
Anton Hogenson the popular Chili merchant was in town between trains Tuesday.
Mike Hubing was at Athens last week and bought a farm near there for his son Emil.
Miss Gertrude Holmes came home last Friday from a several days visit to friends at Loyal.
Fine spring cutters with automobile seats, finest models at Knorr-Rausch Hardware Co
Roy Hart went home with Irl Page last Friday and made an over Sunday visit.
Miss Theresa Lautenbach is helping in the Geo Hart store during the holiday rush.
Helen Anding came home from Neillsville after a three week’s visit at Gress’.
Mrs. Wm. Schwartz of Loyal visited Mrs. Baer between trains on Tuesday.
Men’s heavy winter shirts at 48c at Witte’s
Miss Louise Krause left for Rochester, Minn., Wed., where she goes for medical treatment.
Geo K. Redmond of Neillsville transacted business here on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Neinas attended the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Puffahl on Tuesday.
Coat sweaters, regular 75c value for men and boys at 48c, at Witte’s
Joe Riemer, Oscar Doughty’s son-in-law, came up from Grand Rapids Tuesday to buy a farm hereabouts.
A package of needles and darning needles free with every dollar’s worth of dry goods at Witte’s
Pete Paulson was here on business Saturday.
Fred Wonser of Unity is here visiting his brother E.R. and family.
Fred Wright and Elmer Dennis transacted business at Neillsville last Friday.
Use Instant Louse Powder to rid your stock of lice; 25c a can at Amidon’s Drug Store
New car of salt just in at Witte’s
10% discount on all men’s, children’s and ladies’ union suites at Witte’s
Our basketball team was beaten at Stratford 40 to 22
Mrs. August Schmoll attended the Ladies Aid at Mrs. Fred Grassman’s.
Mrs. Geo. Howard and daughter Gertrude spent Tuesday afternoon at Chili.
Live and dressed poultry received every day before 3 p.m. up to Friday of each week at Witte;\’s
Nice line of china at Amidon’s Drug Store
Don’t forget the dance at the opera house tonight, Friday. Music by the Meacham Orchestra
Miss Laura Glass called on town friends last Saturday.
Arthur Berg purchased a fine spring cutter of the Knorr-Rausch Hardware Company this week.
Some nice Toilet case for ladies and gentlemen at Amidon’s drug Store
Get your dried fruit by the box at very low prices at Witte’s
Mrs. Hale Davis is still very ill. Dr. Bradbury of Neillsville was here Saturday to assist in an operation which she underwent that day.
Arthur Hoene of Marshfield, district agent for the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. transacted business here Saturday.
Bert Gullick part owner of the York Center cheese factory was here last Thursday to get a lubricator repaired which Jack Frost busted for him the night before.
W. D. Rose went to Eau Claire last week Thursday.
Henry Schlinsog’s new house is nearly completed and will be ready for occupancy next week.
Ernest McIntyre went to Loyal Saturday and played with the Neillsville orchestra for a dance there that night.
Some swell packages of Perfumes which will make nice presents at Amidon’s Drug Store
A large assortment of ladies’ and men’s slippers, a nice item for Christmas presents; at Witte’s
Miss Hazel Brooks who teaches in the Marshfield city schools made an over Sunday visit under the parental roof.
Chas Brooks came home from Marathon City, where he teaches, last Saturday for a days visit with his family.
James Hughes left for Dakota Monday evening in response to a telegram containing the news of the death of his brother Will’s four year old son.
Hot lunches, sandwiches, coffee, oyster stew, etc served at any time at J. A. Martin’s restaurant.
Get your fancy box stationery at Amidon’s Drug Store.
Note 10% discount on all leather shoes, at Witte’s
Mrs. John Owen after a few days visit at the W. P. Budge farm with her daughter Mrs. Walter Coil returned to Marshfield on Tuesday.
The Mesdames J. M. Tompkins and A. J. Knorr were Neillsville visitors, Monday.
D. N. Klein was in Tuesday noon and met Mrs. Joe Hederer of Marshfield whom he took to her step father’s, Wm. Klein.
Get your fur and plush lined men’s and ladies’ overcoats at Witte’s at a very moderate profit. The best make, the North Star; a guarantee with every coat; at Witte’s
Fred Zeise returned from Chippewa County, Minn., Tuesday morning, where he had spent the past week in "looking around". Fred recently sold his farm here and he is thinking of locating in Minnesota in the spring.
See Witte’s large ad on 5th paper. Also read all the other ads
Home baked breads, pies, doughnuts and cakes at J. A. Martin’s
Mr. and Mrs. John Garbush went to Stratford Wednesday to attend the funeral of a cousin of Mrs. Garbush’s.
Dave Garbush delivered at Lautenbach’s saw mill here a pine log, the largest we have seen in years. It measures nearly 4 feet in diameter.
Mrs. Otis Slocomb and baby Ruth expect to leave for Buffalo, N. Y. next Monday for a months visit among relatives.
Lot of nuts, and candies, about 1500 pounds in all, at Witte’s
A fine assortment of Christmas tree trimmings and Christmas candies at J. A. Martin’s
Mrs. Robert Kurth and Mrs. Bertha Tragsdorf spent last week Thursday here in attending Mrs. Richard Kurth’s birthday party.
Geo Oldenberg a juryman from Unity came over from the county seat several times last week and visited at Wonser’s and Nonhof’s.
Fancy apples by the barrel at Witte’s
Phillip Kohl a farmer only a few miles from Marshfield was here last Friday taking advantage of the sales advertised by some of our business men.
Christ and Albert Paulson of Nasonville were some of the bargain hunters which we noticed here from that vicinity early this week.
The new telephone directory which is now being printed in this office will be ready for distribution the fore part of next week. It is a business directory as well, all of the leading business men of Granton, Chili and Lynn being represented thereon.
Reduced prices on all hats and other millinery; see Miss Flora Kurzrok
According to figures from t he census bureau the population of Clark County is 80,074, or a gain of 4,226 in ten years. The town of Grant has 1,200 people.
The Lynn Insurance Company sustained two heavy losses in the Town of Withee last week. John Wolff lost a house, and Anton Sonata lost a house, barn and all contents, including livestock. The total insurance amounts to about $3,000.
A suit was tried before a jury in circuit court at Neillsville for the second time. The trouble originated from a horse which cost $125. it is estimated by those who know that the expense to each party in fighting these suits will be not less than $1200. Motto: ‘A man will burn up two candles to find a penny.’
Mr. and Mrs. Stecher who are here from Sheboygan County visiting relatives and friends spent Saturday at Adolph Beil’s in Lynn and Sunday at Wm. Schlinsog’s. They are now visiting Mr. Stecher’s brother in Fremont.
Mrs. Hal Cole after a weeks visit here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Sid Davis left for Chicago last Monday. She did not come from Milwaukee as reported in last week’s paper, but has just recently returned from the Pacific Coast where she has been visiting relatives. Her home is in Kansas City, Mo., to which place she will return after a short stay in Chicago.
About 35 of Mrs. August G. Riedel’s neighbors and friends gave her a complete surprise by dropping in on her Tuesday evening, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. All enjoyed the evening immensely.
Roller skating will be at Beaver Hall, Granton with my roller skates next Monday from 2 to 5 in the afternoon and from 7:30 to 10:30 in the evening. Spectators 10c, use of skates 15c; see Frank Lynch
Auction sale: at John German’s farm, 3 ½ miles south of Lynn, on Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1910. John German, Proprietor with Theo Kissling as Auctioneer
The officers and members of Co. A, 3rd Inf., W. N. G., extend a cordial invitation to the people of Granton and vicinity to attend their Nineteenth Annual Ball at the Opera House, Neillsville, Wis. December 30, 1910.
The Editor wishes to get a correspondent from every place which is not represented in the News. All those who are willing to take up the work please notify this office.
Did it ever occur to you that a man will hasten to pick up a penny while perhaps not more than two feet from it there lays something worth a hundred pennies which will remain there to rot.
A self-feed drag saw; new, will sell cheap; inquire of Neil Downer Granton, R. 1
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