News: Granton Locals (23 Dec 1910)


Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon



Surnames: Davis, Preston, Stallman, Smith, Paulson, Williams, Holmes, Lee, Rausch, Sniteman, Roder, Beardsley, Neinas, Heyder, Kimball, Teatz, Amidon, Schlinsog, Tompkins, Burt, Morris, Stark, Warner, Wentworth, French, Dennis, Beecher, Frei, Speiser, Martin, Cattanach, Converse, Huntley, Knorr, Fraser, Stillman, Brooks, Rose, Campbell, Bergeman, Gardner, Kurth, Scholtz, Beeckler, Hallock, Pietenpol, Winn, Snyder, Marsh, Ackerman, Mersberger, Trimberger, Soles, Downer, Osgood, Waterman, Finnegan, Beaver, Wiesner, Bladl, Yankee, Dennis, Hallock


----Source: The Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., WI.) December 23, 1910


Granton Locals (23 December 1910)


Mrs. Hale Davis is on the gain.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston went to Plymouth Wednesday.


Arthur Stallman was a guest of Marshfield friends Saturday.


The Will Smith baby was very ill last Saturday with croup.


Mrs. Ross Paulson was quite under the weather several days last week.


The second Cub dance will be given at the opera house next Monday night.


The Misses Elinor and Alfreda Williams and Inez Holmes were Neillsville visitors Monday.


Ernest Lee went to Madison Tuesday to witness the latest state’s medical examination of cattle.


Miss Agnes Paulson is visiting her aunt Mrs. D. S. Rausch here since Wednesday.


An enormous line of post card albums, both American and imported from 10c to $3.00 at Sniteman’s


Paul Roder, Otis Beardsley, Ernest Neinas, Paul Heyder, E. R. Wonser and Miss Emma Kimball were Neillsville visitors Tuesday.


Robert Teatz attended circuit court as a juror several days this week, beginning on Tuesday.


We still have a good supply of post cards and albums; see Amidon’s Drug Store


Herman Schlinsog who has had considerable trouble with one of his eyes lately is able to use same again now.


Fred Tompkins came down from Rice Lake and made an over Sunday visit to pa and ma.


Feed your hens "Hess Panacea" to make them lay.  5 pound package for 60c; we also have the 25c size; see us at Amidon’s Drug Store


Mrs. Burt of Menominee arrived here Monday on a visit to her daughter Mrs. I. W. Morris.


Mrs. C. D. Stark and her mother Mrs. Coil came down from Rice Lake whither they had been for the past 6 weeks, last Saturday.


A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Flavel Warner at Rice Lake two weeks ago, Tuesday who will henceforth be known as Bernard Warner.


Dolls and doll heads of every conceivable kind and at all prices from 1 cent to $5.00 at Sniteman’s


W. R. Wentworth of Edgerton, Wis., an old college chum of W. S. Davis’ spent several days of last week here at the W. S. Davis home.


Mrs. French of Tracy, Minn., after a several weeks stay here at her brother Elmer Dennis’ left for her home in Minnesota on Wednesday.


Mr. and Mrs. Wella Beecher and baby came down from Christie Tuesday and left for Stevens Point next day to spend Christmas with her parents.


Mr. and Mrs. Geo Frei spent Sunday at John Speiser’s in Lynn.


Mrs. Martin of Chili was here between trains on Wednesday.


Dan Cattanach of Chili was in town Monday.


Mrs. Free Converse has been very ill the past two weeks with quinsy.


Anything you want in china cups and saucers from 5 cents to $1 at Sniteman’s


Mrs. Geo. Huntley has a new spring cutter purchased of the Knorr-Rausch Hardware Co.


Mrs. Fraser of Chili spent several days of last week here at her son George’s.


Mrs. Geo. Fraser and son Beaufort visited relatives at Chili, Wednesday.


Dr. W. D. Stillman came up from Madison Tuesday on business and to spend a few days among old friends here.


Miss Electa Brooks after a several weeks stay with friends at Neillsville returned home on Tuesday.


See our splendid assortment of Fountain pens; we have them from 25c to $6.  A silver or pearl mounted for $1.50 at Sniteman’s


Mrs. Geo Rose and little daughter spent Tuesday at George Campbell’s in York.


Mr. and Mrs. Gust Bergeman and Mr. and Mrs. Chas Neinas drove out and spent Sunday at Will Neinas’.


Arthur Neinas has suffered much with a gathering in his head this week and been kept from school on that account.


Geo. Huntley and son Stillman drove to Greenwood Monday to visit Sam Smith, the former’s brother-in-law who is ill at his home in that city.


Nothing like a nice piece of china for your wife or mother for a Christmas present; we have some good pieces left at Amidon’s Drug Store


Frank Gardner’s oldest son who broke his arm about a month ago is able to use it again, the cast having been removed Tuesday.


Will Neinas of Sauerkraut City went to Chicago Monday to see his daughter Miss Emma who has employment there and makes her home in that city.


Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kurth made a business trip to Neillsville Monday.  They are now the owners of the big Aug. Scholtz Sr. farm south of here.


Albert and Margaretha Schlinsog left here Tuesday morning for Oklahoma where they will visit their grandparents and other relatives for several weeks.


The gift of a book is always appreciated and will be treasured a life time.  All the popular copyrights at 59c each at Sniteman’s


Robert Teatz sold his 80 acre farm in Lynn to a Sheboygan County party who takes possession January 1st.  Mr. Teatz has rented and will occupy the Davis property across the road from Dolph Beeckler’s, after he vacates his farm premises.


Dr. W. D. Stillman spent Wednesday night at Ben Hallock’s near Chili.


Miss Myrtle Knorr came home from Milwaukee Wednesday to spend the holidays under the parental roof.


Floyd Pietenpol bought a handsome auto seat spring cutter of the Knorr-Rausch Hardware Co.


Frank Tompkins came home from Staples, Minn., Tuesday to spend the holidays with Dad and Mother.


Pete Paulson of Marshfield was in town early this week repairing gasoline engines for various people.


Seven of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gardner’s children will take part in the Christmas tree exercises of the Fremont Sunday school.


Get your New Years post cards at Amidon’s Drug Store


Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Winn entertained a house full of relatives and friends Sunday evening at an oyster supper.


Frank Tompkins was an over Sunday guest of Albion Snyder at Duluth.  He also called on Earl Marsh while there.


Ed Ackerman is the proud owner of a pair of twin calves, the first born on his place in 25 years.  Each a fine animal


Albert Davis and his two children arrived here from Spring Valley last Saturday on a visit with relatives.


Mr. and Mrs. John Mersberger of Sheboygan who were here on a weeks visit at the Geo Trimberger home returned Tuesday morning.


Dr. F. A. Soles of Spencer was called here professionally, Monday to see Mrs. Neil Downer who was very ill.


If he smokes, a box of cigars or a pipe would no doubt be appreciated.  We have cigars in boxes of 12, 25 or 50; pipes from 25c to $6; C. C. Sniteman Co.


Frant Osgood, Ed Waterman, the Mesdames James Finnegan, Geo. Beaver, Chas Wiesner and Miss Ottilie Wiesner were at Neillsville Wednesday.


Chas Bladl and family of Lynn were here doing shopping last Saturday and calling on relatives and friends. This office acknowledges a pleasant call.


Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Beeckler, the Misses Pearl and Vera attended the Beeckler-French wedding Wed. evening in the Town of Levis.


Use Instant Louse Powder now on your stock; 25c pound cans at Amidon’s Drug Store


A German farmer lost his horse and wanted to advertise it.  The editor asked him what he wished to say.  "Yust put vat I told you," replied the man.


Harry Cattanach had a run-a-way Monday.  The harness and cutter were somewhat damaged. Harry, although being thrown out, escaped injury.  Children captured the horse near the school house.


Ernest Yankee met with a severe and painful accident last Friday noon.  He was engaged working on Mrs. Amelia Davis’ new house in Fremont, and in preparing his own dinner attempted to lift a can with boiling coffee from the stove and set it onto a table when without warning the whole contents of the can shot skyward, scalding his face and hand quite badly.  It was at first feared that he would lose his eyesight, but his physician has hopes of saving it.


A pretty wedding was witnessed at Robert French Jr’s, south of Neillsville, Wednesday evening when their only child, Miss Gladys became the wife of George Beeckler, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Beeckler of this place.



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