News: Granton Locals (24 Jan 1913)


Surnames: Happe, Hasz, Garbush, Williams, Snyder, Baer, Davis, Amidon, Rose, Steele, Hefty, Schwantes, Bergeman, Kemmeter, Reimer, Barth, Woodward, Tykac, Babcock, Frei, Hauser, Hart, Smith, Krause, Lavigue, Huntley, Hayden, Carl, Thiede, Ter Haar, Nonhof, Kuechenmeister, Fessenden, Furgeson, Shapiro, Williams, Foemmel, Riedel, Kohl, Sternitzky, Hiller, Osgood, Schmidt, Hillert, Garbush, Raymond, Bladl, Crandall, Berg, Fenske, Lafe, Lee, Felzer, Weidoff, Kelpin, Dubes, Garbisch, Root, Stallman, Reichert, Schmidt, Lustig, Ratsch, Dennis, Pottengar, Algred, Rondorf, Hubing, Moldenhauer, Schutte, Dahl, Anderegg, Wright Hammler, Ober, Reiff, Kurth, Neinas, Happe, Braatz, Ure, Henning, Webster, Schroeder, Beeckler, Burdick, Wood


----Source: Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., Wis.)  01/24/1913


Edwin Happe, who resides near Chili is reported to be very ill.


Rev. Hasz went to Augusta Monday evening.


Otto Garbush has employment at Athens.


Mrs. H.E. Williams is home from St. Paul since Wednesday.


A.F. Snyder of Neillsville was here on business Monday.


H.E. Williams made a business trip to Stratford Thursday.


Mrs. Baer did abstract work at the county seat Tuesday.


Gertrude Davis has tonsillitis since Wednesday.


G.E. Amidon spent Wednesday morning with David Steele at Marshfield.


Pearlie Rose is on the sick list.


Mrs. Steele spent Monday with her husband at Marshfield.


Mr. and Mrs. Dan hefty returned to Monticello Tuesday.


W.D. Rose transacted business at Marshfield Wednesday.


Fred Schwantes and Gustave Bergeman went to Fenwood Wednesday.


Miss Edna Kemmeter had dental work done at Neillsville, Tuesday.


Aug. Reimer went to Beloit Thursday to spend a week visiting relatives.


Miss Bertha Barth had dental work done at Neillsville Wednesday.


B. Tykac, rural carrier No. 2, visited his family at Columbia, Sunday.


Mrs. Chas. Babcock spent last Friday with her daughter Mrs. Edw. Schroeder.


Mrs. Geo. Frei is visiting a Mrs. Hauser, an intimate friend, in Chicago, since last Friday.


A masquerade dance will be given at the Beaver Hall tomorrow, Saturday night.


Mrs. Geo. hart went to Mosinee last Saturday to visit her mother.


Mrs. Smith and daughter Agnes of Loyal visited at Carl Krause’s last week and went home on Saturday.


Mrs. P.J. Kemmeter and daughter Rose were at Neillsville and had dental work done Monday.


Frank Lavigue of Hewettville accompanied Geo. Huntley home form Neillsville last Saturday and made an over Sunday visit.


Mrs. G.O Lee and two youngest children came up from Merrillan Saturday and remained until Monday evening, guests at Louis Hayden’s.


Herman Carl of Neillsville was a guest of Herman Thiede’s Tuesday.


Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ter Haar of Antler, N.D. are guests at Al Nonhof’s since last Saturday.


Twenty young people enjoyed a party at the Clemens Kuechenmeister home last Friday evening.


Mrs. Arthur Fessenden and little daughter, after a two week visit at Frank Furgeson’s, went to Alma Center, Saturday.


Miss Shapiro went to Medford Saturday for a day’s visit with the home folks,


Mrs. H.E. Williams went to St. Paul Friday and remained until Tuesday, visiting friends.


Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foemmel and their two youngest children are visiting at Sheboygan since last Saturday.


Mrs. Augusta Riedel and her daughter, Mrs. Lorenz Kohl of Marshfield went to Oshkosh Tuesday to see the former’s son Ernest, who is in the state hospital there.


Ed Sternitzky and August Hiller transacted business at Neillsville Tuesday.


Mrs. Mot Osgood entertained a lady friend from Pittsville early this week.


Mrs. Johanna Schmidt from near Greenwood visited her brother Carl Krause here the first of the week.


Miss Amelia Hillert went to Stratford Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Louis Garbush.


Delos Raymond, who has been under the weather for some time, is able to be about again.


Mrs. John Bladl and little son spent Wednesday with friends in Chili.


Mrs. Eugene Crandall and son Theodore came home from Strum Saturday.


Miss Nettie Berg and Mrs. Hugh Berg were weekend guests at Chas. Fenske’s in Chili.


W.L. Smith, manager of Badger State Telephone Co., transacted business here Saturday.


Ernest Garbisch is happy owner of a new wood sawing outfit which he purchased last week.


Frank Dubes had the misfortune to have his right hand quite badly hurt by coming in contact with a circle saw while sawing wood at Geo. Root’s last Monday.


Arnold Kelpin took his brother Otto to the Montgomery Hospital at Eau Claire Sunday.  It is at this hospital that their sister Miss Anna is employed as a nurse and Otto, who is a cripple, will take treatments there, indefinitely.  Arnold returned home on Monday.


Joe Felzer and Wm. Weidoff spent Sunday morning with David Steele at the hospital in Marshfield.  They report Dave as getting along nicely and that he expects to be home the latter part of this week.


Miss Lafe returned to her home at Humbird, Sunday, leaving her Aunt, Mrs. Eisenhart, convalescing.


Mrs. Frank Root, after a visit with her mother Mrs. Hubing, returned to her home at Rudolph last Friday morning.


Arthur Stallman is employed as a brakeman on a way freight between Altoona and Elroy, since Saturday.


Prof. Vincent went to Marshfield Monday and met his wife who came home that day from a sever weeks visit at Cascade.


Gus Reichert went to Marshfield Wednesday and returned with his wife and little son.  The little fellow is recovering nicely.


Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Schmidt of Greenwood visited at Carl Krause’s early this week and went home Wednesday.


Mrs. Price Lee was surprised on her birthday Thursday by a house full of guests who brought delectable eats and took dinner with her, then spent the afternoon hours in visiting and with needlework.


Miss Anna Ratsch visited her sister, Mrs. Will Foemmel, last week and took her niece Martha and nephew Eddie home with her to Neillsville Friday to stay during the parents absence at Sheboygan.


Word was received Wednesday that Robert Dennis, who is so ill at his home in Sycamore, Ill., though making no perceptible progress toward recovery is holding his own and remains apparently, the same.


Prof. G.D. Vincent is now at work organizing the Granton Farmers Orchestra, which will practice in the Klopf building next to the Forest House, Thursday and Saturday evenings.


Mrs. Pottengar and Mrs. Algre, sister and brother of the late Mrs. Jos. Rondorf, and Wm. Rondorf, a brother of Joseph, arrived here from Sparta, Thursday morning to attend the funeral of Mrs. Jos. Rondorf, who died at her home in the town of York, Tuesday.


Grandma Lustig made a weekend visit at Neillsville between the Moldenhauer, Schutte and Garbush homes.


Miss Minnie dahl of Barton, N.D. visited her aunt, Mrs. A. Anderegg, north of town last week and went to Neillsville to visit relatives Monday.


Mrs. Fred Wright is advised that her mother who resides at Sycamore, Ill, and who suffered a stroke of paralysis on New year’s Day, is steadily improving.


August Hammler has been quite ill since early last week and was confined to his bed most of the time.  He is somewhat improved at present.


Miss Gertrude Kimball, after a week’s vacation visit at the W.S. Davis home, returned to St. Paul Wednesday.


Harry Ober has been very ill and confined to his home Since New Year’s.  His many friends are anxiously hoping that he will soon be about in his usual health again.


The Ladies Aid of Rev. Reiff’s parish met with Mrs. Herman Thiede last week Wednesday.  The reasurer’s report of that society shows that $400 are now on hand and it was voted that this money be used for new furniture for the church and to otherwise beautify the interior of the latter during the coming summer.


At the annual meeting of the Lynn Telephone Co. held in this village last Saturday afternoon, the following officers and directors were elected: President, William Kurth, Vice-pres., Chas. Neinas; secretary, W.R. Happe; Treasurer, Ernest Neinas; directors, Herman Braatz, John Ure, Herman Henning and E.A. Webster.  The company now has in all, 127 stockholders.


Mrs. Edward Schroeder entertained the O.E.S. birthday club last Saturday at an excellent three cours dinner.  The organization was again perfected for the year’s festivities and Miss Emma Kimball unanimously elected secretary and treasurer.  All O.E.S. hereabouts are respectively invited to join and will confer with the secretary and treasurer about same.


Mrs. Hattie Beeckler went to Seymour last Friday to visit Mrs. Frances Burdick, her mother.  Her adopted sister, Blanche Burdick, is in a hospital in Green Bay since some time last week, when she underwent an operation for appendicitis and it was upon receipt of this intelligence that Mrs. Beeckler took the trip so as to be with her mother, who is not in the best of health and with Blanche away, is along.


Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Lee spent several days of last week at their son Vint’s, and in daily attendance at the Farmers Institute held in Shortville during that time.


Frank Wood, S.R. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Rose, henry Sternitzky and daughter, were among the Granton people who visited at the county seat Saturday.


The band boys took advantage of the pleasant weather Sunday afternoon and played a number of their favorite pieces on our streets.  It was a rare treat to all who hear them and at the same time a great surprise to many.



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