News: Granton (30 Jan 1964)


Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon



Surnames: Kirk, Garbisch, Bolles, Riesner, Nowack, Barr, Quicker, Montgomery, Opelt, Schmidtke, Kayser, Berg, Gardner, Zilk, Marg,


----Source: Clark County Press (Neillsville, Clark Co., WI.) January 30, 1964


Granton (30 January 1964)


Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Kirk of St. Paul, Minn., were weekend guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Garbisch and family.  Mr. and Mrs. Noel Kirk and family of St. Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kirk and family of Prescott, also spent part of the weekend at the Garbisch home while visiting other area relatives. Saturday evening members of the Kirk family helped their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Kirk, observe their 35th wedding anniversary.  It also was the birthday of the Kirk’s twin sons, Jim and Joe.  Another weekend guest at the Garbisch home was Mrs. S. G. Bolles of Duluth, Minn.


The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League of the Zion Lutheran Church met Thursday evening in the church parlors.


Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Riesner and two sons of Marshfield visited Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Elsie Nowack.


Mrs. Elsie Nowack visited Thursday and Friday with Mrs. Charles Barr in Neillsville.


Mr. and Mrs. Roland Quicker and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Montgomery visited Monday evening at the Jerry Opelt home in Neillsville.  The occasion was the birthday (missing name)


Fidelity Camp No. 6375, Royal Neighbors, will meet this (Thursday) evening at the home of Mrs. William Schmidtke at 8 o’clock.


Mr. and Mrs. Van Kayser and Mrs. Ethel Berg were Sunday evening callers at the William Schmidtke home.


Clayton Gardner, principal of the Granton schools, and Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidtke, were in Milwaukee three days last week.  Mr. Gardner attended the administrator’s meeting while Mrs. Schmidtke attended the school board meeting.  While in Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. Schmidtke visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zilk, former residents of Neillsville.


Duane Marg is helping with the chores at the Ronald Garbisch home while Mr. Garbisch is convalescing from recent surgery. 



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