News: Granton Locals (28 Jul 1911)
Contact: Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Surnames: Davis, Perry, Daughhetee, Soles, Kemmeter, Greeley, Beaver, Fischer , Riedel, Dudei, Bredlau, Brooks, Worchel, Schlinsog, Wierman, Lawson, Reichert, Pietenpol, Stewart, Schroeder, Phair, Churchill, Curtis, Lastofka, Peterson, Meyers, Tompkins, Wenzel, Lee, Vanderhie, Dresden, Liebenstein, Hankey, Marsh, Glidden, Wonser, Ross, Cattanach, Helm, Snyder, Timmer, Beeckler, Lester, Gergen, Ure, Williams, Johnson, Finch, Lyon, Redmond, Lautenbach, Gorham, Parker, Hart, Baer, Babcock, Shaw, Beeckler, Burdick, Brown, Young
----Source: The Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., WI.) July 28, 1911
Granton (28 July 1911)
Fred Davis will ship stock from here again next Monday.
Mrs. H. S. Perry and little son joined Mr. Perry here on Wednesday.
Mrs. J. B. Daughhetee entertained the Circle, Wednesday.
Ed Soles spend Monday evening with friends at Neillsville.
Miss Edna Kemmeter went to Menasha Wednesday on a ten days visit.
Mrs. Merritt Greeley of Neillsville visited Mrs. Geo. Beaver, last Monday.
The W. S. Davis residence has been beautified with a new coat of paint.
Mrs. Henry Pischer and baby are spending the week with her aunt, Miss Bertha Riedel.
Mrs. Ben Dudei is spending this week at Loyal with her sister Mrs. Fred Bredlau.
Don’t forget that sale of cigars at Amidon’s drug store Saturday. See our ad elsewhere in this issue
Miss Hazel Brooks went to Neillsville Monday to spend a few days with her grandma Brooks.
Miss Bertha Worchel after a two weeks visit at the Wm. Schlinsog home left for Eau Claire, Tuesday.
Mrs. Henry Wierman and son Irving of Waldo came up Monday for a visit with her sister Mrs. H. Lawson.
Hank Pietenpol received a fine Scotch Coolie Pup by express from Sheboygan County, Wednesday.
Mrs. Delia Stewart of Chili spent several days of last week here with Mrs. Edw. Schroeder.
Mrs. Phair and son Robbie went to Milwaukee Wednesday on a 10 days visit at Dr. B. P. Churchill’s.
Mrs. Curtis of Marshfield came over last week Thursday and remained until Monday with her son Dewitt and his family.
I will ship cattle, calves and sheep from Granton and Neillsville Tuesday, Aug. 1. M. Lastofka
The Misses Lillian and Gladys Peterson of Park Falls after a couple weeks visit with friends here left for home on Tuesday.
Mrs. Louis Meyers and children after an extended visit between various state points, returned home on Wednesday.
The Forest House porch has been enclosed with screens which greatly adds to the comfort of its customers and also improves the looks of the hotel.
Robert Tompkins came down from Rhinelander Friday evening for a little visit at Dad’s, leaving next day for Waupaca.
John Wenzel of Withee came last Friday and remained until Monday visiting his sister Mrs. Ernest Lee.
Geo. Vanderhie and family came up from Kankakee Monday, to take possession of the farm just bought of Fay Dresden in Sherwood.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kemmeter and Mrs. Phair returned last Saturday from their auto trip through the southern part of the state.
Mrs. S. Liebenstein of Chicago who goes to Europe next month arrived here Tuesday morning with her little 5 year old son Dickey who is to stay here with Miss Anna Hankey during her absence abroad. She left on her return trip to the big city Tuesday evening.
August 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9, W. J. Marsh Dry Goods Co.’s Semi-Annual Clearing Sale. More goods to be disposed of, than ever; Greater bargains than ever, wait!
Fred Hankey made a business trip to Marshfield, Tuesday.
Mrs. Wm Glidden and son Arthur left for Oshkosh, Tuesday.
Your poultry is wanted at highest market value at Witte’s
E.R. Wonser and Doc Ross autoed to Maplehurst on business on Tuesday.
L. A. Reichert and Dan Cattanach and little daughter of Chili were business callers here Tuesday.
Mrs. Rosanna Helm and daughter, Winifred of Withee came up from Merrillan Monday on a weeks visit at Ernest Lee’s. The ladies are sisters.
Ed Riedel left for Milwaukee Sunday night in search of employment and the establishment of a home for himself and family in that city.
John Pietenpol and Mr. and Mrs. Truman Davis went over and spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. John Pietenpol and daughter Ruth at the hospital in Marshfield.
Mrs. Emery Snyder and baby daughter of Escanaba, Mich., and Mrs. H. Timmer and little son of Waldo are here visiting at C. E. Beeckler’s since Friday. The ladies are C. E.’s daughters.
Mrs. Lester (born Grace Gergen) who is here from Minneapolis on a visit to her mother spent Tuesday in company with Mrs. Geo Ure of Neillsville here, with the ladies at the W. S. Davis home.
Witte’s inventory sale ends August 1st. Get your share as on nearly everything in the store is a big discount.
Sneak thieves skinned the clothes off the clothes line in Mrs. Annie William’s yard one night last week, enriching themselves by a goodly quantity of ladies under garments, dresses and face towels. The bed and table linen were undisturbed.
Mr. and Mrs. Rollo B. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Finch of Stevens Point Sundayed here between the L. A. Marsh and S. R. Davis homes. They came and went by auto.
Miss Ruth Pietenpol in company with her father J. W. Pietenpol and Dr. P. M. Ross went to Marshfield Friday where at the hospital the young lady who was taken suddenly and seriously ill the day before, underwent a successful operation for appendicitis.
The ballgame last Sunday between Granton and Lynn was good so far as went, the rain putting a stop to the game at the 5th inning when the score stood 3 to 2 in favor of Granton. We sports are promised a very good game for next Sunday, when the "Tigers" of Marshfield will be here to put it all over the local team. Neither team has been defeated this season; and a real fast game from start to finish is expected. The game will be played on the Willis Williams meadow which makes an ideal spot for baseball.
Notice to pickle growers - No pickles will be received on Sunday or after 6 o’clock in the evening except on Saturday. Roy J. Lyon, Manager
The bad storm Sunday took F. J. Riedel’s windmill off the tower. August Lautenbach is repairing it.
Mrs. Carrie Gorham Parker and little daughter and Miss Knight of Blissfield, Mich., who are here on a visit to Geo. Hart’s in Neillsville, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Baer.
Mrs. Chas Babcock and her mother-in-law Mrs. Laura Babcock came over from Neillsville last Friday on a several days visit at Ed Schroeder’s.
Mrs. Clyde Shaw and baby Beatrice came here from Chippewa Falls Friday to join Master Donald at the C. E. Beeckler home and to again take up their residence in Granton.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tompkins and two children came down from Rice Lake Sunday. Fred went home next day, while Mrs. and the children remained to spend the balance of the week.
Mrs. Frances Burdick came up from Seymour Saturday and on Monday accompanied her daughter Mrs. C. E. Beeckler to Chippewa Falls to visit the latter’s son, Clyde Shaw at the hospital of that place. They returned here Thursday and report Clyde as doing well and enjoying the comforts of a wheel chair which he drives himself.
Brown’s Comedy Co., are with us since Tuesday and are giving nightly performances in their tent on the railroad right of way. The company is composed of very good actors and the shows are well patronized and are appreciated by all. Mrs. Brown who by the way is a very clever actress, was formerly Miss Bessie Young of Chili. Tonight, Friday, the military comedy entitled "A Coward" will be presented.
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