News: Granton Locals #1 (26 Sep 1913)
Surnames: Kemmeter, Knaack, Gerzemehle, Wood, Tompkins, Kimball, Davis, Geffert, Hasz, Marg, Batch, Jensen, Gerber, Carter, Machel, Winter, Haltaufderheide, Lautenbach, Goebel, Deutsch, Hillert, Geimer, Woodward, Breed, Albrecht, Knorr, Vincent, Livingston, Crandall, Wilde, Otto, Dahlke, Johnson, Schwarz, Breese, Bennett, Hayden, Cross, Baer, Williams, Krumrey, Lord, Kastner, Sultrecht, Ross, Downer, Wright, Erickson, Osgood, Hamelin, Wallace, Babcock, Knour, Schroeder, Hales, Root, Martin, Davis, Garbush, Ayers, Kintzele, Salsbury, Riedel, Wenzel, Dicks, Lee, Mallory, Lee, Morris, Graves, McInnis, Williams, Coles, Arndt, Miller, Nichols, Tykac
----Source: Granton News (Granton, Clark County, Wis.) 09/26/1913
Visit Kemmeter’s store for up to date millinery.
Mrs. Knaack and little son came home from Evansville on Monday.
Chris Gerzemehle is home from Owatonna, Minn. since Saturday.
Frank Wood spent Saturday morning with friends at Chili.
Postmaster Tompkins went to Rhinelander Saturday and made a weekend visit at his son Robert’s.
Miss Gertrude Kimball, after a 10 day visit at the W.S. Davis home returned to St. Paul on Sunday.
Miss Julia Geffert of Arlington Heights after a week’s visit at Rev. Hasz’s went home on Saturday.
Mrs. Albert Marg, Mrs. Carl Batch and Mrs. Gerzemehle spent Monday at Marshfield.
Mrs. L.N. Jensen and Mrs. Fred Gerber with the latter’s daughter Lobelia spent Monday at Neillsville.
Henry Carter went to Crandon Monday on an extended visit among relatives and friends.
Mrs. Robert Machel of Washburn went to Alma Center late last weekend made an over Sunday visit.
Miss Della Winter came home from Neillsville to spend the weekend under the parental roof.
Ed Haltaufderheide and Will Sultrecht spent Friday evening with their best girls at Neillsville.
The Misses Sarah and Ella Lautenbach came home from Milwaukee last Friday.
Mrs. Joe Goebel is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gus Deutsch at Friendship since last Saturday.
Dr. P.M. Ross, Aug. Hillert and Principal max Geimer were business visitors at Neillsville on Saturday.
Mrs. Frances Woodward came over from Neillsville Tuesday and made a several days visit between Mrs. Gusta Breed and Mrs. Baer.
Miss Irma Albrecht spent Sunday with her parents near Chili.
Lynn Knorr came up from Champagne, Ill. Saturday.
Prof Vincent and family moved to Edgar on Tuesday.
Fay Livingston went to Marshfield Monday.
Mrs. Eugene Crandall and children spent much of last week with relatives at Neillsville.
Mrs. Wilde, her daughters Viola and Ethel, with Mrs. W.G. Otto, all of Marathon City, arrived here Saturday for a visit with the W.F. Dahlke family in the town of York.
Frank Johnson of the town of Washburn went to Springfield, Ill., Sunday to accept a position where he will be engaged in bookkeeping and stenography.
Dr. S.G. Schwarz of Humbird was in town on Wednesday.
Mrs. John Breese, Mrs. C.G. Hayden and Mrs. Bennett spent last Tuesday with Mrs. Chas. Cross at Chili.
Mrs. F.J. Baer and Mrs. H.E. Williams autoed over to Neillsville Wednesday and attended a combination car and thimble party given by Mrs. C. Krumrey that afternoon.
Lloyd Kimball arrived home Sunday from the Pacific coast where he spent several weeks with his sister Clara, Mrs. Lord, whither he went after his labors in the Dakota harvest fields sometime since.
Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Kastner of Plymouth came up last week Thursday and visited hereabouts until Saturday, when they left for Marshfield and Curtiss for further visiting before returning home early this week.
Dick Downer and Roy Wright drove to Withee last week and brought home lumber purchased of one Thorson.
Mrs. Erickson of Pittsville is here assisting in the care of Mrs. Mot Osgood, her daughter, since Tuesday.
Chas. Babcock after a visit with relatives here returned to Alma Center Sunday, where he is engaged with Chas. Wallace in concrete work.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamelin, Charles Arndt, Wm. Miller and Gus Knour of Plymouth were in town several days last week.
Mrs. Chas. Babcock has been here since last week Saturday caring for her daughter Mrs. Edward Schroeder who has been very ill with the grippe.
Guy Hales went to Madison Tuesday to attend the Wis. College of Agriculture. Ross Root went last week and is attending the same college.
John Martin drove over from Lynn last Friday afternoon and met his daughters Ruby and Gertrude, who were returning home after a several week visit at Clintonville.
Mr. and Mrs. Bush Davis, after a two week visit among relatives and old friends hereabouts, went home to loyal on Monday.
Mrs. Dave Garbush returned home Saturday evening from her visit with Sheboygan County relatives at Plymouth and in that vicinity.
Bert Ayers, John Kintzele, Clarence Salsbury, Aug. H. Riedel, Chris Gerzemehle, Mrs. Gerzemehle and son Louis spent Saturday at the county seat.
The Granton Brass Band goes to Edgar tonight to play for a dance for the benefit of the Edgar Star Brass Band recently organized there and under the tutorship of Prof. G.D. Vincent.
Prof. G.D. Vincent will get down from Edgar every Saturday morning and spend the balance of the day here with instructing his pupils in music.
Mr. W. Wenzel, with his daughters Miss Alice and Mrs. Ed Dicks and the latter’s daughter Winifred, came down from Withee last Friday and remained until Tuesday, guests in the Ernest Lee home.
Wilson Mallory of Stevens Point, accompanied by his sisters, the Misses Louise and Amie Mallory of Winnipeg, Canada, arrived here last Friday on a visit between the R.C. Beecher, Eli Lee and Levi Morris homes.
Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Graves of York went to Clintonville Saturday and remained until Tuesday, visiting old friends.
Mrs. Duncan McInnis, after a visit at Willis Williams, went home to Park Falls Saturday. Mrs. Williams accompanied here as far as Marshfield and spent the day with friends in that city.
The Windfall Corners Birthday Club has been particularly active of late. Two weeks ago yesterday they surprised Mrs. Langdon Nichols very happily, when the Nichols household had silo fillers and the combination was most agreeable to all participants. Then last Saturday the weekend was spent with celebrating Mrs. Fred Coles’ birthday and this week the festivities were resumed on Monday when Mrs. Frank Davis’ celebration fell due and then tomorrow, but that would be telling for they are surprise parties, but Mrs. Frank Davis really was quite enough for this week for the spread was a very elaborate one and each guest feasted to her limit. The afternoon spent with this worthy woman in her comfortable heated home was most welcome, for the majority of the ladies, had they been comfortably at home that afternoon, would of necessity found themselves engaged about eh kitchen ranges, not having their heaters set up.
B. Tykac has purchased eleven acres of the old Robert Riedel place of W.S. Davis, and is erecting a fine large barn thereon this fall. He purchased the land where the house stands.
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