13 Feb
New Record posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Bushman, Dorothy (95th
Birthday - 2017)
Bio: German, Miles (President's
List - Fall Term - 2016)
Bio: Hull, Cara (J-Term Study
Tour - 2017)
Bio: Pokallus, Debra (CCSD Retiree
- 2017)
News: Clark Co. - UW, Eau Claire
(Dean’s List - 2016)
News: Clark Co. - UW, La Crosse
(Dean’s List - 2016)
News: Clark Co. - UW, Stevens
Point (High Grades - 2016-2017)
News: Clark Co. - UW, Stout
(Chancellor Award - 2016)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Kofler, Emily M. (1926
- 2017)
Obit: Krause, Alice M. (1927
- 2017)
Obit: Lamberty, Robert (1937
- 2017)
Obit: Marshall, John W. (1916
- 2017)
Obit: Meives, Alan Paul (1955
- 2017)
Obit: Meyer, Herman W. (1906
- 1997)
Obit: Meyer, Janice Kay (1944
- 2012)
Obit: Wudi, John J. (1941 -
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Henke, Dennis R. - USN
(Reports to Naval Air Station
- 1967)
Bio: Jackson, Rhonda Joy (Birth
- 6 Jul 1967)
Bio: Kademan, Donald L. - Pvt.
(Adv. Infantry Training - 1967)
Bio: Kaiser, Ruth (Engagement
- Jul 1967)
Bio: Karlen, Bernelda (WSU,
Eau Claire Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Martin, A.R. (91st Birthday
- 1967)
Bio: Mengel, Ricky Lee (Baptism
- 23 Jul 1967)
BioM: Lock, Constance N. (1967)
News: Withee (27 Jul 1967)
Obit: Robertson, Clara (1879
- 1967)
10 Feb
New Record posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old
Days 24 Aug 2016
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Dobrenz, Elsie L. (1917
- 1998)
Obit: Dorava, Robert L. (1939
- 2012)
Obit: Graves, Lillian C. (1917
- 1994)
Obit: Grenwalt, Eymard F. (1933
- 2017)
Obit: Grube, Helen Edna Lydia
Therese (1911 - 1980)
Obit: Johnson, Harold E. (1925*
- 2017)
Obit: Kalander, Clarence C.
(1942 - 2017)
Obit: Kern, John E. (1919 -
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Bowe, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Clayton (Birth - 16 Jul 1967)
Bio: Glenzer, Richard S. (Rhode
Island Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Johnson, William O. - Pvt.
(Repairman Course - 1967)
Bio: Mierkey, Clarence H. -
Boilerman (Promoted - 1967)
Bio: Miller, Diane E. (WSU River
Falls - Dean's List - 1967)
Bio: Mills, Jolene Diane (Birth
- 14 Jul 1967)
Bio: Petersen, Don (Air Force
in Saigon - 1967)
BioM: Sperling, Shirley (1967)
Obit: Bushnell, Charles M. #2
(1934 - 2017)
Obit: Geiger, Dennis H. #2 (1955
- 2017)
Obit: Haaya, Donald E. Sr. (1909
- 1967)
School: Owen H.S. Class of 1942
(25th Year Reunion - 1967)
09 Feb
New Records posted by Ronald
Bio: Bertz, Daniel Charles (Baptism
- 31 Jan 1971)
Bio: Dux, Dennis D. - Pvt. (Physical
Proficiency Winner - 1971)
Bio: Scherer, Roger (Eau Claire
Graduate - 1971)
Bio: Verschay, Mary Jo (Betty
Crocker Award - 1971)
BioM: Lato, Julia Ann (1971)
BioM: Lindner, Darlene Agnes
News: Loyal (04 Feb 1971)
News: Romadka Road (04 Feb 1971)
News: Twenty-Six Road (04 Feb
Obit: Henning, Irma (1921 -
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Bertsinger, Eleanor Ann
(Birth - 2016)
Bio: Dassow-Lindeman, Ayden
Daniel (Birth - 2016)
Obit: Annala, Isabella (1919
- 2017)
Obit: Blair, Eugene (1922 -
Obit: Burk, Edward R. (1938
- 2017)
Obit: Bursik, Jake Daniel (1936
- 2017)
Obit: Clough, Ernest Winfield
(1881 - 1970)
Obit: Clough, Ross Conklin (1887
- 1973)
Obit: Colby, Mark A. (1955 -
Obit: Wolfe, Lou (1935? - 2017)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Engel, Connie (Valparaiso
Univ. Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Jensen, Marvin - L/Cpl.
(Home on Leave - 1967)
Bio: Laakso, Charles A. (WSU
Stevens Point High Honors -
Bio: McAllister, Rosemary Lee
(Birth - 5 Jul 1967)
BioA: Svenson, Mr./Mrs. Roy
(Silver - 1967)
BioM: Schmitt, Evelyn (1967)
BioM: Wendt, Linda Kay (1967)
Obit: Heibel, Mary (1889 - 1967)
Obit: Jensen, Ellen Victoria
(1885? - 1967)
School: Owen-Withee Class of
1957 (10 Year Reunion - 1967)
08 Feb
New Records posted by Pam Harders
Bio: Kocian, Robyn Renee (Birth
- 29 Apr 1969)
Bio: Langteau, Dennis A. - USN
(Engine Course Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Leahy, Angela Rae (Birth
- 27 Apr 1969)
Bio: Luther, Ann Marie (Birth
- 25 Apr 1969)
Bio: Melvin, Dennis (Scholarship
- 1967)
Bio: Schaefer, Maxine (St. Joseph's
Nursing Prom Queen - 1969)
Bio: Zrutskie, Marlee Kay (Baptism
- 27 Apr 1969)
BioM: Schulz, Lorraine Carol
Church: Abbotsford - Christ
Lutheran (Confirmation - 1969)
Church: Abbotsford St. Bernard's
(First Communion - 1969)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Weideman, Lydia E. #2
(1920 - 2017)
Obit: Weiler, Joy (1926 - 2016)
Obit: Westermeier, Helen J.
(1920 - 2017)
Obit: Winger, Jerry G. (1969
- 2016)
Obit: Winkel, Marie L. (1957
- 2016)
Obit: Wirkus, Joseph P. (1932
- 2016)
Obit: Zentner, Emily A. (1921
- 2016)
Obit: Ziemer, Randall J. (1951
- 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Petersen, Scott Kenneth
(Birth - 9 Jun 1967)
Bio: Szymanski, Jane (Engagement
- Jun 1967)
BioM: Andersen, Alice Johanna
BioM: Engel, Charlotte Ann (1967)
BioM: Leahy, Kathleen (1967)
BioM: Lee, Sandra (1967)
News: Curtiss (29 Jun 1967)
News: Owen (29 Jun 1967)
News: Withee (29 Jun 1967)
Obit: Rahn, Fred J. (1898 -
Obit: Schuette, Delbert W. (1935
- 2017)
Obit: Willner, Lorraine (1929
- 2017)
07 Feb
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
News: Neillsville Am. Legion
(Honoring Sunsdahl & Reither
- 2017)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Seidel, Margaret Mary
(1922 - 2016)
Obit: Sperling, Arlene A. (1932
- 2016)
Obit: Sromek, Stanley (1920
- 2016)
Obit: Sweeten, John S. (1919
- 2016)
Obit: Tate, Caroline Mae (1937
- 2017)
Obit: Thede, Vilas A. #2 (1928
- 2016)
Obit: Thielke, Dorothy M. (1917
- 2016)
Obit: Tom, George E. (1938 -
Obit: Vlach, Esta Mae (1924
- 2016)
Obit: Voight, Judy (1949 - 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Giere, Timothy Joseph (Birth
- 24 May 1967)
Bio: Jalling - Family Reunion
(Jun 1967)
Bio: Kallio, John (To attend
Cornell College - 1967)
Bio: Scherf, Louis (Tennessee
University Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Scherf, Sabin (Barn Fire
- Jun 1967)
Bio: Southworth, Bernice (Engagement
- Jun 1967)
Bio: Tabbert, Karen Ann (Baptism
- 11 Jun 1967)
Bio: Vater, Jack R. (WSU La
Crosse Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Wilczek, Francis (Rice
Lake Vocational Graduate - 1967)
Obit: Maki, William R. "Will"
(1997 - 2017)
Obit: Schnabel, Dale A. (1949
- 2017)
Obit: Stoker, Ray (1881 - 1967)
06 Feb
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
BioM: Marriage Licenses (Jan/Feb
- 2017)
Obit: Cattanach, Barbara J.
#2 (1951 - 2017)
Obit: Hanson, David Morris (1946
- 2017)
Obit: Hantke, Douglas Donald
“Bud” (1932 - 2017)
Obit: Harrington, Richard Arlyen
“Dick” (1933 - 2017)
Obit: LaZotte, Glenn Joseph
(1930 - 2017)
Obit: Trautsch, JT (James) L.
(1945 - 2017)
Obit: Young, Frieda (1899 -
Response from Don Schutte
Wis. Hiawatha Group Home
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Nabbefeld, Theresa Marie
(1926 - 2016)
Obit: Packenham, Anne M. (1917
- 2016)
Obit: Pask, Elsie Anna (1921
- 2016)
Obit: Plamann, Robert J. Jr.
(1945 - 2017)
Obit: Poeske, LaMoine Audrey
(1918 - 2016)
Obit: Pokallus, Lawrence H.
#2 (1928 - 2016)
Obit: Prasnicki, Martin A. (1925
- 2016)
Obit: Pribbernow, Alice E. (1916
- 2016)
Obit: Rademacher, Lillian Jenny
#2 (1921 - 2012)
Obit: Roberts, Judy A. (1950
- 2016)
Obit: Romig, Doris (1932 - 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Albert, Joyce (Engagement
- Jun 1967)
Bio: Behringer, Twins of Mr./Mrs.
George (Birth - 10 Jun 1967)
Bio: Niemi, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Allen (Birth - 9 Jun 1967)
Bio: Scherf, Natalie (50 Years
in Banking - 1967)
BioA: Kallio, Mr./Mrs. Andrew
(Gold -1967)
BioM: Annis, Alice (1967)
BioM: Boxrucker, Margaret (1967)
News: South Green Grove (08
Jun 1967)
Obit: Hutchins, Catherine T.
(1885 - 1967)
Obit: Molzen/Molzan, Anna (1880
- 1967)
03 Feb
New Record posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old
Days 17 Aug 2016
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Klennert, Lucy (1946 -
Obit: Kozey, Mike George Jr.
(1929 - 2016)
Obit: Kuyoth, Joan Elizabeth
(1960 - 2016)
Obit: Lew, Stanley Sr. (1931
- 2016)
Obit: Literski, Peter T. (1932
- 2016)
Obit: Lussenden, Delores M.
(1932 - 2017)
Obit: Mateer, Jason W. (1979
- 2016)
Obit: Matson, Karri J. (1963*
- 2016)
Obit: Meerstein, Mildred A.
(1916 - 2011)
Obit: Myszka, Raymond J. (1924
- 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Frahman, Tammy Jeanne (Birth
- 18 May 1967)
Bio: Gay, Jill Marlene (Birth
- 20 May 1967)
Bio: Jensen, Shirley (UW Madison
Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Lesneski, Roger (Business
School Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Votava, Donald A. - Airman
(Technical Training - 1967)
Bio: Zelm, Robert (UW Madison
Graduate - 1967)
Church: Withee - St. John's
Lutheran (Confirmation - 1967)
News: Curtiss (25 May 1967)
News: Owen (25 May 1967)
Obit: Cattanach, Barbara (1951
- 2017)
Obit: Krause, Linda S. (1954?
- 2017)
School: Owen-Withee H.S. Class
of 1962 (5 Year Reunion - 1967)
02 Feb
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Rondorf, Rico Charles (Birth
- 1974)
BioM: Knack, Kristine J. #2
Obit: Kintzele, Harland A. #2
(? - 1974)
Obit: Wagner, Walter H. (1906
- 1974)
School: Granton H.S. (1933-39
Joint Reunion -1974)
School: Greenwood H.S. - Class
of 1939 ( 35th Reunion -1974)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Fryklund, Effie L. (1921
- 2016)
Obit: Gumz, Mary T. #2 (1923
- 2016)
Obit: Handel, Arnold L. (1942*
- 2016)
Obit: Harmon, Charlotte A. (1959
- 2016)
Obit: Hasenohrl, Kenneth J.
#2 (1934 - 2016)
Obit: Holmes, Richard (1940
- 2016)
Obit: Holtzheimer, Raymond F.
#2 (1930 - 2016)
Obit: Hussong, Lorene Ruby (1923
- 2016)
Obit: Ivaska, Anna (1875 - 1967)
Obit: Johnson, Betty Jane (1925
- 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Cook, Richard R. - Pvt.
(Military Police Training -
Bio: Frederickson, Todd David
(Baptism - 14 May 1967)
Bio: Mason, Karen Renee (Baptism
- 14 May 1967)
Bio: Rineck, Keith James (Birth
- 15 May 1967)
Bio: Rohland, Sandy (Nurse's
Assoc. Convention - 1967)
BioA: Blunck, Mr./Mrs. Walter
(40th - 1967)
Church: Withee - Nazareth Lutheran
Confirmation (1967)
News: Owen - River Falls Graduates
News: Withee (25 May 1967)
School: Owen-Withee H.S. Boys/Girls
State Reps (1967)
01 Feb
New Record posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
News: Neillsville - Chamber
of Commerce Recognition (Jan
New Records posted by Robert
Church: Unity Trinity Lutheran
(Services - 2016)
News: Abbotsford (Burglaries
- 1958)
Obit: Amacher, Ryan Custer (1945
- 2016)
Obit: Behrendt, Annetta Marie
(1922 - 2016)
Obit: Benrud, Curtis D. (1955
- 2017)
Obit: Borgeson, Yvonne A. (1932*
- 2016)
Obit: Couillard, Linda Lou (1955
- 2016)
Obit: Drymiller, Eleanor Mae
Louise (1932 - 2016)
Obit: Ebert, Nila J. (1930 -
Obit: Frane, Dennis A. (1942
- 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Kayhart, Richard - Marine
Pvt. (Combat Course - 1967)
Bio: Krueger, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Dennis (Birth - 3 May 1967)
Nowak, Jerry (Promoted to Sgt.
- 1967)
Bio: Southworth, James - SP5
(Back from Thailand - 1967)
Bio: Telin, Solomon (90th Birthday
- 1967)
BioM: Williams, Nancy Kay (1967)
News: Owen (04 May 1967)
News: South Green Grove (11
May 1967)
Obit: Gurklis, John A. (1950
- 2017)
Obit: Laboda, Dennis A. (1944
- 2017)
Obit: Mroz, Alice E. (1930 -
Obit: Pankow, Mary (1895 - 1967)
Obit: Saltus/Saltis, Elizabeth
(1918 - 1967)
13 Feb
New Record posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Bushman, Dorothy (95th
Birthday - 2017)
Bio: German, Miles (President's
List - Fall Term - 2016)
Bio: Hull, Cara (J-Term Study
Tour - 2017)
Bio: Pokallus, Debra (CCSD Retiree
- 2017)
News: Clark Co. - UW, Eau Claire
(Dean’s List - 2016)
News: Clark Co. - UW, La Crosse
(Dean’s List - 2016)
News: Clark Co. - UW, Stevens
Point (High Grades - 2016-2017)
News: Clark Co. - UW, Stout
(Chancellor Award - 2016)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Kofler, Emily M. (1926
- 2017)
Obit: Krause, Alice M. (1927
- 2017)
Obit: Lamberty, Robert (1937
- 2017)
Obit: Marshall, John W. (1916
- 2017)
Obit: Meives, Alan Paul (1955
- 2017)
Obit: Meyer, Herman W. (1906
- 1997)
Obit: Meyer, Janice Kay (1944
- 2012)
Obit: Wudi, John J. (1941 -
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Henke, Dennis R. - USN
(Reports to Naval Air Station
- 1967)
Bio: Jackson, Rhonda Joy (Birth
- 6 Jul 1967)
Bio: Kademan, Donald L. - Pvt.
(Adv. Infantry Training - 1967)
Bio: Kaiser, Ruth (Engagement
- Jul 1967)
Bio: Karlen, Bernelda (WSU,
Eau Claire Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Martin, A.R. (91st Birthday
- 1967)
Bio: Mengel, Ricky Lee (Baptism
- 23 Jul 1967)
BioM: Lock, Constance N. (1967)
News: Withee (27 Jul 1967)
Obit: Robertson, Clara (1879
- 1967)
10 Feb
New Record posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old
Days 24 Aug 2016
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Dobrenz, Elsie L. (1917
- 1998)
Obit: Dorava, Robert L. (1939
- 2012)
Obit: Graves, Lillian C. (1917
- 1994)
Obit: Grenwalt, Eymard F. (1933
- 2017)
Obit: Grube, Helen Edna Lydia
Therese (1911 - 1980)
Obit: Johnson, Harold E. (1925*
- 2017)
Obit: Kalander, Clarence C.
(1942 - 2017)
Obit: Kern, John E. (1919 -
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Bowe, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Clayton (Birth - 16 Jul 1967)
Bio: Glenzer, Richard S. (Rhode
Island Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Johnson, William O. - Pvt.
(Repairman Course - 1967)
Bio: Mierkey, Clarence H. -
Boilerman (Promoted - 1967)
Bio: Miller, Diane E. (WSU River
Falls - Dean's List - 1967)
Bio: Mills, Jolene Diane (Birth
- 14 Jul 1967)
Bio: Petersen, Don (Air Force
in Saigon - 1967)
BioM: Sperling, Shirley (1967)
Obit: Bushnell, Charles M. #2
(1934 - 2017)
Obit: Geiger, Dennis H. #2 (1955
- 2017)
Obit: Haaya, Donald E. Sr. (1909
- 1967)
School: Owen H.S. Class of 1942
(25th Year Reunion - 1967)
09 Feb
New Records posted by Ronald
Bio: Bertz, Daniel Charles (Baptism
- 31 Jan 1971)
Bio: Dux, Dennis D. - Pvt. (Physical
Proficiency Winner - 1971)
Bio: Scherer, Roger (Eau Claire
Graduate - 1971)
Bio: Verschay, Mary Jo (Betty
Crocker Award - 1971)
BioM: Lato, Julia Ann (1971)
BioM: Lindner, Darlene Agnes
News: Loyal (04 Feb 1971)
News: Romadka Road (04 Feb 1971)
News: Twenty-Six Road (04 Feb
Obit: Henning, Irma (1921 -
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Bertsinger, Eleanor Ann
(Birth - 2016)
Bio: Dassow-Lindeman, Ayden
Daniel (Birth - 2016)
Obit: Annala, Isabella (1919
- 2017)
Obit: Blair, Eugene (1922 -
Obit: Burk, Edward R. (1938
- 2017)
Obit: Bursik, Jake Daniel (1936
- 2017)
Obit: Clough, Ernest Winfield
(1881 - 1970)
Obit: Clough, Ross Conklin (1887
- 1973)
Obit: Colby, Mark A. (1955 -
Obit: Wolfe, Lou (1935? - 2017)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Engel, Connie (Valparaiso
Univ. Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Jensen, Marvin - L/Cpl.
(Home on Leave - 1967)
Bio: Laakso, Charles A. (WSU
Stevens Point High Honors -
Bio: McAllister, Rosemary Lee
(Birth - 5 Jul 1967)
BioA: Svenson, Mr./Mrs. Roy
(Silver - 1967)
BioM: Schmitt, Evelyn (1967)
BioM: Wendt, Linda Kay (1967)
Obit: Heibel, Mary (1889 - 1967)
Obit: Jensen, Ellen Victoria
(1885? - 1967)
School: Owen-Withee Class of
1957 (10 Year Reunion - 1967)
08 Feb
New Records posted by Pam Harders
Bio: Kocian, Robyn Renee (Birth
- 29 Apr 1969)
Bio: Langteau, Dennis A. - USN
(Engine Course Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Leahy, Angela Rae (Birth
- 27 Apr 1969)
Bio: Luther, Ann Marie (Birth
- 25 Apr 1969)
Bio: Melvin, Dennis (Scholarship
- 1967)
Bio: Schaefer, Maxine (St. Joseph's
Nursing Prom Queen - 1969)
Bio: Zrutskie, Marlee Kay (Baptism
- 27 Apr 1969)
BioM: Schulz, Lorraine Carol
Church: Abbotsford - Christ
Lutheran (Confirmation - 1969)
Church: Abbotsford St. Bernard's
(First Communion - 1969)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Weideman, Lydia E. #2
(1920 - 2017)
Obit: Weiler, Joy (1926 - 2016)
Obit: Westermeier, Helen J.
(1920 - 2017)
Obit: Winger, Jerry G. (1969
- 2016)
Obit: Winkel, Marie L. (1957
- 2016)
Obit: Wirkus, Joseph P. (1932
- 2016)
Obit: Zentner, Emily A. (1921
- 2016)
Obit: Ziemer, Randall J. (1951
- 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Petersen, Scott Kenneth
(Birth - 9 Jun 1967)
Bio: Szymanski, Jane (Engagement
- Jun 1967)
BioM: Andersen, Alice Johanna
BioM: Engel, Charlotte Ann (1967)
BioM: Leahy, Kathleen (1967)
BioM: Lee, Sandra (1967)
News: Curtiss (29 Jun 1967)
News: Owen (29 Jun 1967)
News: Withee (29 Jun 1967)
Obit: Rahn, Fred J. (1898 -
Obit: Schuette, Delbert W. (1935
- 2017)
Obit: Willner, Lorraine (1929
- 2017)
07 Feb
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
News: Neillsville Am. Legion
(Honoring Sunsdahl & Reither
- 2017)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Seidel, Margaret Mary
(1922 - 2016)
Obit: Sperling, Arlene A. (1932
- 2016)
Obit: Sromek, Stanley (1920
- 2016)
Obit: Sweeten, John S. (1919
- 2016)
Obit: Tate, Caroline Mae (1937
- 2017)
Obit: Thede, Vilas A. #2 (1928
- 2016)
Obit: Thielke, Dorothy M. (1917
- 2016)
Obit: Tom, George E. (1938 -
Obit: Vlach, Esta Mae (1924
- 2016)
Obit: Voight, Judy (1949 - 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Giere, Timothy Joseph (Birth
- 24 May 1967)
Bio: Jalling - Family Reunion
(Jun 1967)
Bio: Kallio, John (To attend
Cornell College - 1967)
Bio: Scherf, Louis (Tennessee
University Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Scherf, Sabin (Barn Fire
- Jun 1967)
Bio: Southworth, Bernice (Engagement
- Jun 1967)
Bio: Tabbert, Karen Ann (Baptism
- 11 Jun 1967)
Bio: Vater, Jack R. (WSU La
Crosse Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Wilczek, Francis (Rice
Lake Vocational Graduate - 1967)
Obit: Maki, William R. "Will"
(1997 - 2017)
Obit: Schnabel, Dale A. (1949
- 2017)
Obit: Stoker, Ray (1881 - 1967)
06 Feb
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
BioM: Marriage Licenses (Jan/Feb
- 2017)
Obit: Cattanach, Barbara J.
#2 (1951 - 2017)
Obit: Hanson, David Morris (1946
- 2017)
Obit: Hantke, Douglas Donald
“Bud” (1932 - 2017)
Obit: Harrington, Richard Arlyen
“Dick” (1933 - 2017)
Obit: LaZotte, Glenn Joseph
(1930 - 2017)
Obit: Trautsch, JT (James) L.
(1945 - 2017)
Obit: Young, Frieda (1899 -
Response from Don Schutte
Wis. Hiawatha Group Home
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Nabbefeld, Theresa Marie
(1926 - 2016)
Obit: Packenham, Anne M. (1917
- 2016)
Obit: Pask, Elsie Anna (1921
- 2016)
Obit: Plamann, Robert J. Jr.
(1945 - 2017)
Obit: Poeske, LaMoine Audrey
(1918 - 2016)
Obit: Pokallus, Lawrence H.
#2 (1928 - 2016)
Obit: Prasnicki, Martin A. (1925
- 2016)
Obit: Pribbernow, Alice E. (1916
- 2016)
Obit: Rademacher, Lillian Jenny
#2 (1921 - 2012)
Obit: Roberts, Judy A. (1950
- 2016)
Obit: Romig, Doris (1932 - 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Albert, Joyce (Engagement
- Jun 1967)
Bio: Behringer, Twins of Mr./Mrs.
George (Birth - 10 Jun 1967)
Bio: Niemi, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Allen (Birth - 9 Jun 1967)
Bio: Scherf, Natalie (50 Years
in Banking - 1967)
BioA: Kallio, Mr./Mrs. Andrew
(Gold -1967)
BioM: Annis, Alice (1967)
BioM: Boxrucker, Margaret (1967)
News: South Green Grove (08
Jun 1967)
Obit: Hutchins, Catherine T.
(1885 - 1967)
Obit: Molzen/Molzan, Anna (1880
- 1967)
03 Feb
New Record posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old
Days 17 Aug 2016
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Klennert, Lucy (1946 -
Obit: Kozey, Mike George Jr.
(1929 - 2016)
Obit: Kuyoth, Joan Elizabeth
(1960 - 2016)
Obit: Lew, Stanley Sr. (1931
- 2016)
Obit: Literski, Peter T. (1932
- 2016)
Obit: Lussenden, Delores M.
(1932 - 2017)
Obit: Mateer, Jason W. (1979
- 2016)
Obit: Matson, Karri J. (1963*
- 2016)
Obit: Meerstein, Mildred A.
(1916 - 2011)
Obit: Myszka, Raymond J. (1924
- 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Frahman, Tammy Jeanne (Birth
- 18 May 1967)
Bio: Gay, Jill Marlene (Birth
- 20 May 1967)
Bio: Jensen, Shirley (UW Madison
Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Lesneski, Roger (Business
School Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Votava, Donald A. - Airman
(Technical Training - 1967)
Bio: Zelm, Robert (UW Madison
Graduate - 1967)
Church: Withee - St. John's
Lutheran (Confirmation - 1967)
News: Curtiss (25 May 1967)
News: Owen (25 May 1967)
Obit: Cattanach, Barbara (1951
- 2017)
Obit: Krause, Linda S. (1954?
- 2017)
School: Owen-Withee H.S. Class
of 1962 (5 Year Reunion - 1967)
02 Feb
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Rondorf, Rico Charles (Birth
- 1974)
BioM: Knack, Kristine J. #2
Obit: Kintzele, Harland A. #2
(? - 1974)
Obit: Wagner, Walter H. (1906
- 1974)
School: Granton H.S. (1933-39
Joint Reunion -1974)
School: Greenwood H.S. - Class
of 1939 ( 35th Reunion -1974)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Fryklund, Effie L. (1921
- 2016)
Obit: Gumz, Mary T. #2 (1923
- 2016)
Obit: Handel, Arnold L. (1942*
- 2016)
Obit: Harmon, Charlotte A. (1959
- 2016)
Obit: Hasenohrl, Kenneth J.
#2 (1934 - 2016)
Obit: Holmes, Richard (1940
- 2016)
Obit: Holtzheimer, Raymond F.
#2 (1930 - 2016)
Obit: Hussong, Lorene Ruby (1923
- 2016)
Obit: Ivaska, Anna (1875 - 1967)
Obit: Johnson, Betty Jane (1925
- 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Cook, Richard R. - Pvt.
(Military Police Training -
Bio: Frederickson, Todd David
(Baptism - 14 May 1967)
Bio: Mason, Karen Renee (Baptism
- 14 May 1967)
Bio: Rineck, Keith James (Birth
- 15 May 1967)
Bio: Rohland, Sandy (Nurse's
Assoc. Convention - 1967)
BioA: Blunck, Mr./Mrs. Walter
(40th - 1967)
Church: Withee - Nazareth Lutheran
Confirmation (1967)
News: Owen - River Falls Graduates
News: Withee (25 May 1967)
School: Owen-Withee H.S. Boys/Girls
State Reps (1967)
01 Feb
New Record posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
News: Neillsville - Chamber
of Commerce Recognition (Jan
New Records posted by Robert
Church: Unity Trinity Lutheran
(Services - 2016)
News: Abbotsford (Burglaries
- 1958)
Obit: Amacher, Ryan Custer (1945
- 2016)
Obit: Behrendt, Annetta Marie
(1922 - 2016)
Obit: Benrud, Curtis D. (1955
- 2017)
Obit: Borgeson, Yvonne A. (1932*
- 2016)
Obit: Couillard, Linda Lou (1955
- 2016)
Obit: Drymiller, Eleanor Mae
Louise (1932 - 2016)
Obit: Ebert, Nila J. (1930 -
Obit: Frane, Dennis A. (1942
- 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Kayhart, Richard - Marine
Pvt. (Combat Course - 1967)
Bio: Krueger, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Dennis (Birth - 3 May 1967)
Nowak, Jerry (Promoted to Sgt.
- 1967)
Bio: Southworth, James - SP5
(Back from Thailand - 1967)
Bio: Telin, Solomon (90th Birthday
- 1967)
BioM: Williams, Nancy Kay (1967)
News: Owen (04 May 1967)
News: South Green Grove (11
May 1967)
Obit: Gurklis, John A. (1950
- 2017)
Obit: Laboda, Dennis A. (1944
- 2017)
Obit: Mroz, Alice E. (1930 -
Obit: Pankow, Mary (1895 - 1967)
Obit: Saltus/Saltis, Elizabeth
(1918 - 1967)
13 Feb
New Record posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Bushman, Dorothy (95th
Birthday - 2017)
Bio: German, Miles (President's
List - Fall Term - 2016)
Bio: Hull, Cara (J-Term Study
Tour - 2017)
Bio: Pokallus, Debra (CCSD Retiree
- 2017)
News: Clark Co. - UW, Eau Claire
(Dean’s List - 2016)
News: Clark Co. - UW, La Crosse
(Dean’s List - 2016)
News: Clark Co. - UW, Stevens
Point (High Grades - 2016-2017)
News: Clark Co. - UW, Stout
(Chancellor Award - 2016)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Kofler, Emily M. (1926
- 2017)
Obit: Krause, Alice M. (1927
- 2017)
Obit: Lamberty, Robert (1937
- 2017)
Obit: Marshall, John W. (1916
- 2017)
Obit: Meives, Alan Paul (1955
- 2017)
Obit: Meyer, Herman W. (1906
- 1997)
Obit: Meyer, Janice Kay (1944
- 2012)
Obit: Wudi, John J. (1941 -
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Henke, Dennis R. - USN
(Reports to Naval Air Station
- 1967)
Bio: Jackson, Rhonda Joy (Birth
- 6 Jul 1967)
Bio: Kademan, Donald L. - Pvt.
(Adv. Infantry Training - 1967)
Bio: Kaiser, Ruth (Engagement
- Jul 1967)
Bio: Karlen, Bernelda (WSU,
Eau Claire Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Martin, A.R. (91st Birthday
- 1967)
Bio: Mengel, Ricky Lee (Baptism
- 23 Jul 1967)
BioM: Lock, Constance N. (1967)
News: Withee (27 Jul 1967)
Obit: Robertson, Clara (1879
- 1967)
10 Feb
New Record posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old
Days 24 Aug 2016
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Dobrenz, Elsie L. (1917
- 1998)
Obit: Dorava, Robert L. (1939
- 2012)
Obit: Graves, Lillian C. (1917
- 1994)
Obit: Grenwalt, Eymard F. (1933
- 2017)
Obit: Grube, Helen Edna Lydia
Therese (1911 - 1980)
Obit: Johnson, Harold E. (1925*
- 2017)
Obit: Kalander, Clarence C.
(1942 - 2017)
Obit: Kern, John E. (1919 -
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Bowe, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Clayton (Birth - 16 Jul 1967)
Bio: Glenzer, Richard S. (Rhode
Island Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Johnson, William O. - Pvt.
(Repairman Course - 1967)
Bio: Mierkey, Clarence H. -
Boilerman (Promoted - 1967)
Bio: Miller, Diane E. (WSU River
Falls - Dean's List - 1967)
Bio: Mills, Jolene Diane (Birth
- 14 Jul 1967)
Bio: Petersen, Don (Air Force
in Saigon - 1967)
BioM: Sperling, Shirley (1967)
Obit: Bushnell, Charles M. #2
(1934 - 2017)
Obit: Geiger, Dennis H. #2 (1955
- 2017)
Obit: Haaya, Donald E. Sr. (1909
- 1967)
School: Owen H.S. Class of 1942
(25th Year Reunion - 1967)
09 Feb
New Records posted by Ronald
Bio: Bertz, Daniel Charles (Baptism
- 31 Jan 1971)
Bio: Dux, Dennis D. - Pvt. (Physical
Proficiency Winner - 1971)
Bio: Scherer, Roger (Eau Claire
Graduate - 1971)
Bio: Verschay, Mary Jo (Betty
Crocker Award - 1971)
BioM: Lato, Julia Ann (1971)
BioM: Lindner, Darlene Agnes
News: Loyal (04 Feb 1971)
News: Romadka Road (04 Feb 1971)
News: Twenty-Six Road (04 Feb
Obit: Henning, Irma (1921 -
New Records posted by Robert
Bio: Bertsinger, Eleanor Ann
(Birth - 2016)
Bio: Dassow-Lindeman, Ayden
Daniel (Birth - 2016)
Obit: Annala, Isabella (1919
- 2017)
Obit: Blair, Eugene (1922 -
Obit: Burk, Edward R. (1938
- 2017)
Obit: Bursik, Jake Daniel (1936
- 2017)
Obit: Clough, Ernest Winfield
(1881 - 1970)
Obit: Clough, Ross Conklin (1887
- 1973)
Obit: Colby, Mark A. (1955 -
Obit: Wolfe, Lou (1935? - 2017)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Engel, Connie (Valparaiso
Univ. Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Jensen, Marvin - L/Cpl.
(Home on Leave - 1967)
Bio: Laakso, Charles A. (WSU
Stevens Point High Honors -
Bio: McAllister, Rosemary Lee
(Birth - 5 Jul 1967)
BioA: Svenson, Mr./Mrs. Roy
(Silver - 1967)
BioM: Schmitt, Evelyn (1967)
BioM: Wendt, Linda Kay (1967)
Obit: Heibel, Mary (1889 - 1967)
Obit: Jensen, Ellen Victoria
(1885? - 1967)
School: Owen-Withee Class of
1957 (10 Year Reunion - 1967)
08 Feb
New Records posted by Pam Harders
Bio: Kocian, Robyn Renee (Birth
- 29 Apr 1969)
Bio: Langteau, Dennis A. - USN
(Engine Course Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Leahy, Angela Rae (Birth
- 27 Apr 1969)
Bio: Luther, Ann Marie (Birth
- 25 Apr 1969)
Bio: Melvin, Dennis (Scholarship
- 1967)
Bio: Schaefer, Maxine (St. Joseph's
Nursing Prom Queen - 1969)
Bio: Zrutskie, Marlee Kay (Baptism
- 27 Apr 1969)
BioM: Schulz, Lorraine Carol
Church: Abbotsford - Christ
Lutheran (Confirmation - 1969)
Church: Abbotsford St. Bernard's
(First Communion - 1969)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Weideman, Lydia E. #2
(1920 - 2017)
Obit: Weiler, Joy (1926 - 2016)
Obit: Westermeier, Helen J.
(1920 - 2017)
Obit: Winger, Jerry G. (1969
- 2016)
Obit: Winkel, Marie L. (1957
- 2016)
Obit: Wirkus, Joseph P. (1932
- 2016)
Obit: Zentner, Emily A. (1921
- 2016)
Obit: Ziemer, Randall J. (1951
- 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Petersen, Scott Kenneth
(Birth - 9 Jun 1967)
Bio: Szymanski, Jane (Engagement
- Jun 1967)
BioM: Andersen, Alice Johanna
BioM: Engel, Charlotte Ann (1967)
BioM: Leahy, Kathleen (1967)
BioM: Lee, Sandra (1967)
News: Curtiss (29 Jun 1967)
News: Owen (29 Jun 1967)
News: Withee (29 Jun 1967)
Obit: Rahn, Fred J. (1898 -
Obit: Schuette, Delbert W. (1935
- 2017)
Obit: Willner, Lorraine (1929
- 2017)
07 Feb
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
News: Neillsville Am. Legion
(Honoring Sunsdahl & Reither
- 2017)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Seidel, Margaret Mary
(1922 - 2016)
Obit: Sperling, Arlene A. (1932
- 2016)
Obit: Sromek, Stanley (1920
- 2016)
Obit: Sweeten, John S. (1919
- 2016)
Obit: Tate, Caroline Mae (1937
- 2017)
Obit: Thede, Vilas A. #2 (1928
- 2016)
Obit: Thielke, Dorothy M. (1917
- 2016)
Obit: Tom, George E. (1938 -
Obit: Vlach, Esta Mae (1924
- 2016)
Obit: Voight, Judy (1949 - 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Giere, Timothy Joseph (Birth
- 24 May 1967)
Bio: Jalling - Family Reunion
(Jun 1967)
Bio: Kallio, John (To attend
Cornell College - 1967)
Bio: Scherf, Louis (Tennessee
University Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Scherf, Sabin (Barn Fire
- Jun 1967)
Bio: Southworth, Bernice (Engagement
- Jun 1967)
Bio: Tabbert, Karen Ann (Baptism
- 11 Jun 1967)
Bio: Vater, Jack R. (WSU La
Crosse Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Wilczek, Francis (Rice
Lake Vocational Graduate - 1967)
Obit: Maki, William R. "Will"
(1997 - 2017)
Obit: Schnabel, Dale A. (1949
- 2017)
Obit: Stoker, Ray (1881 - 1967)
06 Feb
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
BioM: Marriage Licenses (Jan/Feb
- 2017)
Obit: Cattanach, Barbara J.
#2 (1951 - 2017)
Obit: Hanson, David Morris (1946
- 2017)
Obit: Hantke, Douglas Donald
“Bud” (1932 - 2017)
Obit: Harrington, Richard Arlyen
“Dick” (1933 - 2017)
Obit: LaZotte, Glenn Joseph
(1930 - 2017)
Obit: Trautsch, JT (James) L.
(1945 - 2017)
Obit: Young, Frieda (1899 -
Response from Don Schutte
Wis. Hiawatha Group Home
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Nabbefeld, Theresa Marie
(1926 - 2016)
Obit: Packenham, Anne M. (1917
- 2016)
Obit: Pask, Elsie Anna (1921
- 2016)
Obit: Plamann, Robert J. Jr.
(1945 - 2017)
Obit: Poeske, LaMoine Audrey
(1918 - 2016)
Obit: Pokallus, Lawrence H.
#2 (1928 - 2016)
Obit: Prasnicki, Martin A. (1925
- 2016)
Obit: Pribbernow, Alice E. (1916
- 2016)
Obit: Rademacher, Lillian Jenny
#2 (1921 - 2012)
Obit: Roberts, Judy A. (1950
- 2016)
Obit: Romig, Doris (1932 - 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Albert, Joyce (Engagement
- Jun 1967)
Bio: Behringer, Twins of Mr./Mrs.
George (Birth - 10 Jun 1967)
Bio: Niemi, Son of Mr./Mrs.
Allen (Birth - 9 Jun 1967)
Bio: Scherf, Natalie (50 Years
in Banking - 1967)
BioA: Kallio, Mr./Mrs. Andrew
(Gold -1967)
BioM: Annis, Alice (1967)
BioM: Boxrucker, Margaret (1967)
News: South Green Grove (08
Jun 1967)
Obit: Hutchins, Catherine T.
(1885 - 1967)
Obit: Molzen/Molzan, Anna (1880
- 1967)
03 Feb
New Record posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old
Days 17 Aug 2016
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Klennert, Lucy (1946 -
Obit: Kozey, Mike George Jr.
(1929 - 2016)
Obit: Kuyoth, Joan Elizabeth
(1960 - 2016)
Obit: Lew, Stanley Sr. (1931
- 2016)
Obit: Literski, Peter T. (1932
- 2016)
Obit: Lussenden, Delores M.
(1932 - 2017)
Obit: Mateer, Jason W. (1979
- 2016)
Obit: Matson, Karri J. (1963*
- 2016)
Obit: Meerstein, Mildred A.
(1916 - 2011)
Obit: Myszka, Raymond J. (1924
- 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Frahman, Tammy Jeanne (Birth
- 18 May 1967)
Bio: Gay, Jill Marlene (Birth
- 20 May 1967)
Bio: Jensen, Shirley (UW Madison
Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Lesneski, Roger (Business
School Graduate - 1967)
Bio: Votava, Donald A. - Airman
(Technical Training - 1967)
Bio: Zelm, Robert (UW Madison
Graduate - 1967)
Church: Withee - St. John's
Lutheran (Confirmation - 1967)
News: Curtiss (25 May 1967)
News: Owen (25 May 1967)
Obit: Cattanach, Barbara (1951
- 2017)
Obit: Krause, Linda S. (1954?
- 2017)
School: Owen-Withee H.S. Class
of 1962 (5 Year Reunion - 1967)
02 Feb
New Records posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Rondorf, Rico Charles (Birth
- 1974)
BioM: Knack, Kristine J. #2
Obit: Kintzele, Harland A. #2
(? - 1974)
Obit: Wagner, Walter H. (1906
- 1974)
School: Granton H.S. (1933-39
Joint Reunion -1974)
School: Greenwood H.S. - Class
of 1939 ( 35th Reunion -1974)
New Records posted by Robert
Obit: Fryklund, Effie L. (1921
- 2016)
Obit: Gumz, Mary T. #2 (1923
- 2016)
Obit: Handel, Arnold L. (1942*
- 2016)
Obit: Harmon, Charlotte A. (1959
- 2016)
Obit: Hasenohrl, Kenneth J.
#2 (1934 - 2016)
Obit: Holmes, Richard (1940
- 2016)
Obit: Holtzheimer, Raymond F.
#2 (1930 - 2016)
Obit: Hussong, Lorene Ruby (1923
- 2016)
Obit: Ivaska, Anna (1875 - 1967)
Obit: Johnson, Betty Jane (1925
- 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Cook, Richard R. - Pvt.
(Military Police Training -
Bio: Frederickson, Todd David
(Baptism - 14 May 1967)
Bio: Mason, Karen Renee (Baptism
- 14 May 1967)
Bio: Rineck, Keith James (Birth
- 15 May 1967)
Bio: Rohland, Sandy (Nurse's
Assoc. Convention - 1967)
BioA: Blunck, Mr./Mrs. Walter
(40th - 1967)
Church: Withee - Nazareth Lutheran
Confirmation (1967)
News: Owen - River Falls Graduates
News: Withee (25 May 1967)
School: Owen-Withee H.S. Boys/Girls
State Reps (1967)
01 Feb
New Record posted by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon
News: Neillsville - Chamber
of Commerce Recognition (Jan
New Records posted by Robert
Church: Unity Trinity Lutheran
(Services - 2016)
News: Abbotsford (Burglaries
- 1958)
Obit: Amacher, Ryan Custer (1945
- 2016)
Obit: Behrendt, Annetta Marie
(1922 - 2016)
Obit: Benrud, Curtis D. (1955
- 2017)
Obit: Borgeson, Yvonne A. (1932*
- 2016)
Obit: Couillard, Linda Lou (1955
- 2016)
Obit: Drymiller, Eleanor Mae
Louise (1932 - 2016)
Obit: Ebert, Nila J. (1930 -
Obit: Frane, Dennis A. (1942
- 2016)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Kayhart, Richard - Marine
Pvt. (Combat Course - 1967)
Bio: Krueger, Daughter of Mr./Mrs.
Dennis (Birth - 3 May 1967)
Nowak, Jerry (Promoted to Sgt.
- 1967)
Bio: Southworth, James - SP5
(Back from Thailand - 1967)
Bio: Telin, Solomon (90th Birthday
- 1967)
BioM: Williams, Nancy Kay (1967)
News: Owen (04 May 1967)
News: South Green Grove (11
May 1967)
Obit: Gurklis, John A. (1950
- 2017)
Obit: Laboda, Dennis A. (1944
- 2017)
Obit: Mroz, Alice E. (1930 -
Obit: Pankow, Mary (1895 - 1967)
Obit: Saltus/Saltis, Elizabeth
(1918 - 1967)