Clark County, Wisconsin's
Join Us and Become a Clark County, Wisconsin History Buff! |
Webmasters: Leon Konieczny, Tanya Paschke, Janet & Stan Schwarze , Dr. James W. Sternitzky, Crystal Wendt & Al Wessel.
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Yester Year In Yester Year the times were tough, Making a living was really rough. Starting chores well before daybreak. A meager living they did make. Out of the wilds they made their living, They were kind and thoughtful always giving. Diverse were the Faiths and backgrounds found, Of these people who tilled the ground. Their children grew and scattered about. This world became theirs, they are found throughout. A few remain in Wisconsin, the county of Clark. And yet old memories continue to spark. They reminisce and share the past, It is their hope that this will last. Even though they scattered far and wide, There’s a beautiful kinship still residing inside. By Elaine Wood Greene/Jenson |
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Become a Clark County History Buff
A site created and
maintained by the Clark County History Buffs
Webmasters: Leon Konieczny, Tanya Paschke, Janet & Stan Schwarze, James W. Sternitzky,