Grant Township


Clark County, Wisconsin



Early Photo of Downtown Granton, Wisconsin
From the Virgina Elmhorst Collection



Clark County


List of Premiums and Rules and Regulations of the Clark County Agricultural Society, for the Fair of 1887


Grant Township


Bob Luchterhand Honored by Neillsville American Legion (2014)




Celebrating World Peace Day (1918)


Granton Train Depot (1908)


Granton Future Farmers of America Awards (2006)

Granton Future Farmers of America (2010)

Granton FFA Benefit for Naedler Farm (2013)

Granton Future Farmers of America Celebrates 75 Years (2015)

Granton FFA Alumni Dairy Breakfast Coming June 5 (2016)

Granton FFA Member Brandon Anding, National Award (2016)

Granton FFA Member Rhiannon Reimer Named State Finalist (2020)

Granton FFA Member Kayla Johnson Named State Finalist (2020)

Granton FFA Member Hannah Walter Named State Finalist (2020)

Granton FFA Member Brandon Jakobi Named State Finalist (2020)

Granton FFA Members Earn Recognition at State FFA Convention (2020)

Granton FFA Alumni Dairy Breakfast June 6 (2021)

Granton FFA: Three Granton Youths Achieve State FFA Degree (2021)

Granton FFA: Earns Gold Rating, Other Awards at Wisconsin FFA Convention (2021)

Granton FFA: Students Accumulate Awards, Including State FFA Degrees (2022)

Granton FFA: Four Granton Students Earn State FFA Degrees (2022)

Granton FFA Alumni Supporters Host Breakfast on the Farm (2022)

Granton FFA Does Well at State (2022)

Granton FFA: Charlotte Johnson Receives Outstanding Achievement Award (2022)

Granton Agriculture Department Third Annual Haunted Forest, and FFA Forest Education Night (2022)

Granton Native Becomes State FFA Officer (2023)

Granton Resident Chosen for National FFA Reporter Position (2024)

Community Unites to Support Steinbach Family (2024)


Granton’s Honored Citizens (2006) Ernie and Rhoda Sternitzky

Granton's Honored Citizen (2008) Marge Garbisch

Granton's Honored Citizens (2009) Keith and Mary Bass

Granton's Honored Citizens (2010) Wally and Pat Garbisch

Granton's Honored Citizens (2011) Norman and Carol Jean Wesenberg

Granton's Honored Citizens (2012 ) Vic and Sarah Elmhorst

Granton's Honored Citizen (2013) Donald Chester Oldham

Granton's Honored Citizens (2014) Don and Lavon Bartsch

Granton's Honored Citizens (2015) Betty Mellon and Wayne Garbisch

Granton's Honored Citizens (2016) John and Lisa Richmond

Granton's Honored Citizens (2017) Dale and Missy Walz

Granton's Honored Citizens (2018) Roger and Jean Nitschke

Granton's Honored Citizens (2019) Bill and Nanette Schwantes

Granton's Honored Citizens (2021) Granton School Board

Granton's Honored Citizens (2024) Linda Becker and Doug Becker


Granton's Honored Grandparents (2006) Dick and Cathy Winter

Granton's Honored Grandmother (2008) Betty Tasse

Granton's Honored Grandparents (2009) Jerry and Lila Schmitz

Granton's Honored Grandparent (2010) Betty Beilke

Granton's Honored Grandparent (2011) Mae Revak

Granton's Honored Grandparents (2012) Orville and Sharon Garbisch

Granton's Honored Grandparents (2013) Roger and Caroline Helm

Granton's Honored Grandparents (2014) Vern and LaVern Sternitzky

Granton's Honored Grandparent (2015) Sharon Kohler

Granton's Honored Grandparents (2016) Mike and Coleen Schultz

Granton's Honored Grandparents (2017) Rodney and Corrine Dix

Granton's Honored Grandparents (2018) Jesse and Ginger Richmond

Granton's Honored Grandparents (2019) Dave and Camille Genteman

Granton's Honored Grandparents (2021) Lyle and Debbie Kayhart

Granton's Honored Grandparents (2022) Ken and Rita Jakobi

Granton's Honored Grandparents (2023) Frank and Kathy Moyers

Granton's Honored Grandparents (2024) Tim and Cheryl Steinbach


Granton Rotary International Award Program (2008)

Granton Rotary International Award Program (2009)

Granton Rotary International Award Program (2010)

Granton Rotarians Meet at Reed School (2010)

Granton Rotary Raises Funds for Granton Community Child Care Center (2010)

Granton Rotary International Award Program (2011)

Granton Rotary Celebrates 70 Years (2013)

Granton Rotary Paul Harris Award Dinner (2014)

Granton Rotary Celebrates Wendell Hubing as 2016 Rotarian of the Year (2016)

Granton Rotary Club Conducts 33rd Paul Harris Fellows Program (2016)


Melanie Broeck named Permanent Granton Postmaster (2010)


Granton Native Jay Parker Writing Book About Granton (2010)

Parker Unveils Granton History Book: "A Stop on the Stage Route" (2016)

Jay Parker's New Book: Looking Back- A Pictorial History of Granton Wisconsin (2020)

Jay Parker Releases Third Book: “Support Your Local Merchant: The Advertising of Granton, WI"


Francis Steiner: tribute to a promoter of Agriculture and the Granton Community (2011)


Granton's Samson Memorial Library Received Grants from the Libri Foundation (2011)

Merger Creates Granton Library (2012)

Granton Community Library Honored (2013)

Granton Community Library Celebrates 10 Years (2022)


Cloverbelt Award Banquet (2014)


Toolbelt Team Repairs Olmstead Home in Granton (2014)


Granton Today


Plans for the 64th Annual Granton Fall Festival (2014)

Granton Fall Festival Coming This Weekend (2014)

Granton Fall Festival (2024) Honors Citizens and Fall Festival Queen

Granton Fall Festival (2024) Rock Painting



Granton Barn Quilt Trail (2012)

Granton Barn Quilt Trail Adds Color as Seasons Change (2014)

Granton Quilt Trail Continues to Grow (2017)

Granton Quilt Trail Celebrates Five Year Mark (2017)

New Designs Appear on Granton Barn Quilt Trail (2019)


Steiner Children Donate "Welcome to Granton" Signs (2015)


Granton Dairy Breakfast at the Jakobi Family Farm (2015)


Lil' Bulldogs Running Club Begins at Granton Area Schools (2016)


Wally Garbisch Retires From Driving Granton Area School Buses (2016)


Dale Wesenberg Retires After Four Decades of Service to Granton (2016)


Countryside Treasures Opens Vendor Mall in Clark County (2016)

Countryside Treasures Ribbon Cutting (2016)


Schilling Farms Host Granton Dairy Breakfast (2017)


Kuehn Family Farm Hosts Granton Dairy Breakfast (2018)


Anna and Peter Kayhart Honored for Heroism (2018)


Dahl Family Farm Hosts Granton Dairy Breakfasth (2019)


Chester Oldham Retiring After 30 Years as Granton Fire Chief


Granton Bulldog Community Store to Open Soon (2021)


Granton's Pat Wolf Named First Responder of the Year (2021)


Granton's High School Graduate Kylie Ganther's Mural on the
Marshfield Water Tower (2021)


Granton Twins Abby Schoessow and Caleb Schoessow Host Sweet 16 Blood Drive (2022)

Granton Sweet 16 Blood Drive was a Success (2022)

Granton Twins HostBlood Drive (2023)

Granton Schoessow Twins Announce Blood Drive (2024)

Granton Schoessow Twins Hold Third Annual Birthday Blood Drive (2024)


Granton's Strey Family Receives Service Banner (2022)


Granton Firefighters Keith Eibergen and Roger Nitschke Honored for Service (2022)


Granton Educator Alice Painter Visits Air National Guard (2022)


Granton Antique Tractor Club Rides Through Granton Countryside (2022)


Granton Growing Strong (G-G-S) Group Bingo Night (2022)

Return to Grant Township Home Page


The contact for this webpage is James W. Sternitzky PhD




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