Homes & Families
Withee Township, Clark County, Wisconsin
Home of Francis and Lula Adelia Twist Colby
in Thorp, Withee Township,Clark County, Wisconsin (Contributed by Kathy Spirio)
Population Statistics
Population Statistics from Census Records
Individual Family Census Records
Gedcom Files, Family Records & Photos of Withee Township
- Boardman:
Boardman Family Files &
Boardman, Ephraim (Biography & photo) and
Boardman, Ephriam's Cabin (Second Home built in Thorp, WI);
- Clark: Clark, Cyril C. (Biography & Photos);
Clark, John B. (Biography);
- Conners:
Conners, James (Biography & Photo).
- Crothers: Crothers, George E. (1890 Biography & Photo);
George E. (1918 Biography & Photo);
- Garrison:
Garrison, L. O. (Biography & Photo).
- McQuire:
McQuire, L. H.(Biography & Photo).
- Mikolainis:
Mikolainis, Felix A. (Biography & Photos);
Mikolainis, Martin's Family (Biography &
- Parkhill:
Parkhill, George B. (Biography & Photo).
- Polnaszek:
Dozens of Polnaszek family photos
courtesy of Jennifer Polnaszek
are located here.
- Rosholt:
Rosholt, K. (Biography & Photo).
- Wiltgen:
Wiltgen, Michael (Biography & Photo).
Lombard, Wisconsin
Sterling, Wisconsin
Thorp, Wisconsin