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January - February, 2015 Archives


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27 Feb 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Good Old Days 22 Oct 2014

Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital (July/Aug - 1973)

Bio: Partridge, Sally (Engagement - 1973)

News: Humbird (9 Aug 1973)

News: Neillsville - MMC Partners with Pastors (12 Nov 2014)

News: Willard (9 Aug 1973)

News: Willard (9 Aug 1973)

Obit: Baird, Hastings R. #2 (1901 - 1973)

Obit: Campbell, Lola (Neff) & Agnes (Interment - 1973)

Obit: Graski, Alvin E. (? - 2015)

Obit: Smith, Bergen O. (1900- 1978)

Obit: Wren, Amy J. #3 (1878 - 1973)


New Records posted by Ann Stevens


News: Tioga (25 Jul 1918)

News: Tioga (25 Jul 1918)

News: Washburn (18 Jul 1918)

News: East Weston - West York (11 Jul 1918)

News: East Weston - West York (25 Jul 1918)

News: North Weston (18 Jul 1918)

News: York Center (18 Jul 1918)

News: West York (18 Jul 1918)

Obit: Bagley, John Howard (1879 - 1916)

Obit: Rowe, William M. #2 (1850 - 1918)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Tesmer, Sylvester C. "Boots"

Theilig, George

Theilig, Minnie

Thelig, Virginia A.

Theilig, Walter O.

Thieme, Dorothy

Thieme, Franklin

Thieme, Louise H.

Timm, Arlan

Timm, Barbara

Timm, Wayne

Tober, Edna E.

Tober, Emil H.

Todryk, Kenneth F.

Treankler, Helen

Treankler, Lloyd

Turner, Fred H.

Turner, Hattie L. (Harriet)

Tyrolt, Kyla Danell

Tyznik, Mary K.


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Djubenski, Mrs. Mike (Barn Destroyed - 15 Nov 1939)

Bio: Syth Families Move (Apr 1946)

BioM: Reinhardt, Helen #2 (1939)

Church: Greenwood - St. Mary's Confirmation (26 Sep 1939)

News: Greenwood - Parkway Theater Changes Hands (Sep 1939)

News: Greenwood - New Fire Truck to be here soon (Oct 1939)

News: Greenwood - Five Fires in Seven Days (Jan 1940)

Obit: Brown, Louis #2 (1895 - 1946)

School: Christopherson - Girls Organize Sewing Club (Nov 1939)


26 Feb 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Kirchenberg, Brian James (Baptism - 1973)

Bio: McKevitt, Randy - ROTC (Military Notes - 1973)

Bio: Richmond / Higby Families (Reunion - 1973)

Bio: Stremikis, Steven James (Baptism - 1973)

BioM: Dearth, Shirley (1973)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (Aug 1973)

News: Butler (9 Aug 1973)

News: Columbia (9 Aug 1973)

News: Washburn (9 Aug 1973)


New Records posted by Ann Stevens


News: Neillsville (18 Jul 1918)

News: Neillsville (18 Jul 1918)

News: Neillsville (25 Jul 1918)

News: Neillsville (25 Jul 1918)

News: North Pine Valley (11 Jul 1918)

News: North Pine Valley (25 Jul 1918)

News: Shortville (11 Jul 1918)

News: Shortville (18 Jul 1918)

News: Tioga (11 Jul 1918)

News: Tioga (18 Jul 1918)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Strathmann, Gwen M.

Strathmann, Herman

Strathmann, Robert W.

Sweet, Warren L. - Military

Swoboda, Arthur L.

Swobda, Carol J.

Schilling, Clarence W.

Schilling, Lavilla

Talcott, Arvid

Talcott, Byron

Talcott, Hildegard

Talcott, Lucille

Tesmer, Alice Ramona

Tesmer, Audrey L.

Tesmer, Bernard William Arnold

Tesmer, Charles H.

Tesmer, Doris

Tesmer, George

Tesmer, Junior E.

Tesmer, Magdalena


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Benson, Russell  -  Children Killed in Fire (1 Jan 1939)

BioA: Schiller, Mr./Mrs. Jake (63rd  -  1939)

BioA: Zenz, Mr./Mrs. Joe (Gold - 1939)

BioM: Berrett, Luella (1939)

Church: Greenwood  -  Braun Settlement Reformed Prog. (24 Dec 1939)

Church: Greenwood  -  Zion Reformed Christmas Program (25 Dec 1939)

News: Greenwood  -  Woman's Club Notes (3 Feb 1939)

News: Greenwood  - Westinghouse Electric Store (8 Jul 1939)

News: Greenwood  -  Eastern Star Officers (26 Dec 1939)

School: Christopherson Program Given (Jan 1939)


25 Feb 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Obit: Hansen, Jeffrey Earl (1952- 2014)

Obit: Helstad, Geneva F. (1926 - 2015)

Obit: Janke, Leo E. (1921 - 2014)

Obit: Marg, Elizabeth A. ‘Betty’ (1918 - 2014)

Obit: Nelson, Kenneth Odell #2 (1941 - 2014)

Obit: Rave, Rhoda M. (1918 - 2014)

Obit: Richards, Darlene A. #3 (1928 - 2014)

Obit: Rossenbach, LaVerne Rosamond #2 (1916 - 2014)

Obit: Upton, Gavin Ray #2 ( ? - 2014)

Obit: Van Gorden, Schuyler Humphrey ‘S. H.’ (1852 - 1934)


New Records posted by Ann Stevens


News: North Grant (18 Jul 1918)

News: Hewett (18 Jul 1918)

News: Janesville Settlement (11 Jul 1918)

News: Janesville Settlement (18 Jul 1918)

News: Janesville Settlement (25 Jul 1918)

News: Levis (11 Jul 1918)

News: Levis (25 Jul 1918)

News: Levis (25 Jul 1918)

News: Neillsville (11 Jul 1918)

News: Neillsville (11 Jul 1918)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Sonnemann, Anna A.

Sonnemann, Faith A.

Sonnemann, Lester W.

Sonnemann, William A.

Spann, August

Spann, Lena

Stacke Family Stone

Stacke, Sylvia A.

Steinke, Rose

Stendel, Christian M.

Stendel, Helen E.

Stettler, Edna

Stockmeyer, Ernst

Stockmeyer, Josie

Strade, Edwin O.

Strade, Hulda A.

Strathmann, Anna L.

Strathmann, Arnold J. - Military

Strathmann, Harold W. "Harry"

Strathmann, Irene A.


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Mead Family Reunion (06 Aug 1939)

Bio: Shanks, Glenn H. (To Preach Last Sermon - 08 Sep 1935)

Bio: Syth, Marion (Inquest into her Death - 03 Apr 1939)

BioA: Krultz, Mr./Mrs. Mike (Silver - 19 May 1935)

BioM: Manthei, Mildred M. (1939)

News: Greenwood - New Food Store (Aug 1935)

News: Greenwood (Another New Store - Oct 1935)

News: Greenwood - New Fire Truck Arrives (04 Dec 1939)

Obit: Kennedy, Charles T. (1872 - 1935)

School: Blackberry School News (19 Sep 1935)


24 Feb 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Draper, Emily Ann (Birth - 1973)

Bio: Galstad, Elizabeth Kathleen (1973)

Bio: Lindgren, Everett (Hurt in Fall - 1973)

Bio: Severson, Glyda Rea (Birth - 1973)

BioM: Flint, Pamela Gene (1973)

News: Butler (12 Jul 1973)

News: Washburn (12 Jul 1973)

Obit: Eisenmann, Rev. Joseph F. (? - 1973)

Obit: Zimmerman, Lloyd M. (1928 - 2015)

School: NHS Class of 1948 (25 Year Reunion - 1973)


New Records posted by Ann Stevens


News: Chili (11 Jul 1918)

News: Chili (18 Jul 1918)

News: Columbia (11 Jul 1918)

News: Columbia (25 Jul 1918)

News: Dells Dam (11 Jul 1918)

News: Dells Dam (18 Jul 1918)

News: West Eaton (18 Jul 1918)

News: West Eaton (25 Jul 1918)

News: Globe (11 Jul 1918)

News: Globe (18 Jul 1918)

News: Globe (25 Jul 1918)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Schwantes, William T.

Scidmore, Abner

Scidmore, Ella M.

Searer, Jacquelyn

Searer, Norman Sr.

Seefeld, Lila

Seefeld, Walter

Senkbeil, Ella M.

Senkbeil, Henry A.

Sheets, Corey D.

Skoog, Alma H.

Skoog, Joel E.

Smart, Donald W.

Smart (Fenske), Florence E.

Smazal, Edward

Smith, Adel V.

Smith, Cathy L.

Smith, Geraldine

Smith, Homer W.

Sonnemann Family Stone


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Morrison, Howard (Visits Here after 30 years - Jul 1934)

Bio: Stutte, Hilda (Grocery Shower - 08 Jun 1934)

BioM: Stellwagen, Victoria (1934)

News: Greenwood - Women's Club Picnic (21 Jun 1934)

News: Greenwood (Gangsters Visit Again - 7 Jul 1934)

News: Greenwood Library (New location - Aug 1935)

News: Neillsville (New Employment Office - Jul 1935)

Obit: Schoelzel, Donald R. "Shorty" (1962 - 2015)

Obit: Wehrman, Mary Ann (1933 - 2015)

School: Greenwood - UW Graduates (18 Jun 1934)

School: Greenwood H.S. Class of 1909 (Reunion - Jul 1935)

School: Greenwood St. Mary's Program (7 Nov 1934)


23 Feb 2015


Photo Identifications researched by Pat Braun


School: Moody, Longwood Twp. Elementary, Clark Co., Wis.


New Photo Contributed by Betty Comstock


School: Greenwood High School Addition (1939)


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Schoenherr, Ronald Theodore (Scholarship - 1973)

Bio: Wegner, Karissa Karen (Birth - 1973)

BioA: Haas, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (60th - 1973)

BioM: Adams, Barbara Jane (1973)

News: Butler (26 Jul 1973)

News: Neillsville Locals (26 Jul1973)

News: Neillsville Locals (2 Aug 1973)

News: Willard (26 Jul 1973)

Obit: Millard, Irma (? - 1973)

Obit: Wren, Amy J. #2 (1878 - 1973)

School: Oriole Hill (Reunion Picnic - 1973)


New Records posted by Ann Stevens


Bio: Epding, John (Barn Destroyed by Fire - 1918)

Bio: Haas, ? (Suicide - 1918)

Bio: Janick, S.J. (On Trial for Draft Evasion - 1918)

Bio: Krueger, Leslie (Firearms and Weapons Confiscated - 1918)

Bio: Krueger, Louis (Firearms and Weapons Confiscated - 1918)

Bio: Meyer, A.J. (Fined for Unpatriotic Remark - 1918)

Bio: Roberts, Dr. David (Sentenced for Crime - 1918)

Bio: Wagner Family (Memorial - 1918)

Bio: Wildish, Mrs. Allen (Serious Auto Accident - 1918)

Bio: Wolf, Otto F. (War Letter from France - 1918)

BioM: Dwyer, Edna #2 (1918)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Schoelzel, Dennis Dale

Schoelzel, Dennis Dale - Military

Schoelzel, Edith J.

Schoelzel, Josie M.

Schoelzel, Nicholas R.

Schoelzel, Ronald R. Jr.

Schoelzel, Ronald Sr.

Schoelzel, Ruth

Schorer, Ruth J.

Schorer, Verland W.

Schorer, Verland W. - Military

Schreiber, William

Schultz, Elaine

Schultz, Jerome

Schulz, Louis E.

Schultz, Mabel Martha

Schulz, Myron Merlin - Military

Schwantes, Elsie L.

Schwantes, Frances I.

Schwantes, Maynard L.


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Boie, Russell J. (Army Medal - 26 Jun 1967)

Bio: Kubera, Judith Ann (Engagement - Jul 1967)

News: Lublin (27 Jul 1967)

News: Reseburg (27 Jul 1967)

News: South Worden (27 Jul 1967)

Obit: Herman, Stanley A. (1889 - 1967)

Obit: Paul, Angeline Markowski (1879 - 1967)

Obit: Rogus, Helen F. (1870 - 1967)

Obit: Rogus, Peter (1911 - 1967)

Obit: Rossman, Annie (1874 - 1967)


20 Feb 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Good Old Days 15 Oct 2014

Obit: Etlicher, Jody Alan (1970 - 2015)

Obit: Heimstead, Mary Alice (1924 - 2015)

Obit: Oncken, Jennette (Jan) E. (1933 - 2015)

Obit: Schecklman, Edward R. #2 (1931 - 2015)

Obit: Smith, Darwin R. #3 (1947 - 2004)

Obit: Smith, Oakley W. (1932 - 1996)

Obit: Smith, Ralph Douglas (1927? - 2014)

Obit: Struensee, Robert (Bob) W. (1938 - 2015)

Obit: Vetterkind, Frances E. (Tiny) #3 (1931 - 2015)


New Record posted by James Sternitzky


Obit: Sternitzky, Wallace H. "Harry" (1933 - 2015)


New Records Posted by Robert Lipprandt


Obit: Drewek, Patricia F. (1937 - 2015)

Obit: Engel, Walter J. Sr. (1933 - 2015)

Obit: Green, Phyllis Marie (1916 - 2015)

Obit: Lukowicz, Phillip J. (1935 - 2015)

Obit: Mayer, Thomas Peter (1926 - 2015)

Obit: Miller, Adeline #2 (1917 - 2015)

Obit: Webb, Dorothy M. #2 (1939 - 2015)

Obit: Wirz, Irene C. (1926 - 2015)

Obit: Ziemer, Kenneth E. (1925 - 2015)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Schaus, Henry G.

Schaus, Marie

Scheer, Irene

Scheer, Orland

Schmelzler, Fred C.

Schmelzer, Lorna  P.

Schmidt, Alvin W.

Schmidt, Donald R.

Schmidt, Lillian "Jeanne"

Schmidt, Martha J.

Schmidt, Ronald

Schmitt, Ella I.

Schmitt, Elroy L.

Schmitt, Paul W.

Schmitt, Ruth E.

Schmitt, Wilbur C.

Schnabel, Lydia

Schnelle, Renae Ellen

Schnelle, Verna

Schnelle, Vernon


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Brown, Henry W. (Sent to Prison - Sep 1933)

Bio: Hogue, Bernard F. - Principal - Cudahy H.S. (Apr 1934)

Bio: Volk, Floyd - Family (Visit to Greenwood - Jun 1934)

Bio: White, George (Breaks Leg - Mar 1934)

Bio: Wuethrich Farm Home Burns (28 Jul 1933)

BioM: Merkel, Lois (1934)

News: Greenwood - R.N.A. Officers (Jan 1933)

News: Greenwood (Slot Machines Stolen - 07 Apr 1934)

Obit: Jorenby, Rita P. (1934 - 1934)

School: Greenwood H.S. Semester Rankings (26 Jan 1933)


19 Feb 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Enloe, Robyn (January Junior Kiwanian - 2015)

Bio: Fleischmann Family (Five Generations - 2014)

Bio: Schoen Family (Five Generations - 2014)

News: Clark Co. - The  Krueger Family Tragedy (Kay Scholtz - 2015)

News: Thorp Area - Campus Highlights (11 Feb 2015)

Obit: Darnell, Kyanna Joy (2007 - 2015)

Obit: Fleming, Elvin E. (Bud) (1933 - 2015)

Obit: Krueger, Timothy Dean (1971 - 2015)

Obit: Makeeff, Dalen Eugene (1941 - 2015)

Obit: Ruzak, Casimir "Casey" (1926 - 2015)

Obit: Vetterkind, Frances E. "Tiny" #2 (1931 - 2015)


New Records Posted by Robert Lipprandt


Bio: Rau, Dakota (Dean’s List - 2014)

Bio: Schuette, Jackson (Dean’s List - 2014)

Obit: Huebsch, Thomas J. (1952 - 2015)

Obit: Kohler, Elva Mae (1929? - 2015)

Obit: Neibacher, Floyd L. (1929 - 2015)

Obit: Reamer, Lois (1924 - 2015)

Obit: Schaefer, Arnold R. (1929 - 2015)

Obit: Shilkey, Gerald D. (1930 - 2015)

Obit: Smith, Edwin L. (1923 - 2015)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Roewe, Charles

Roewe, Norma

Roewe, Vilas Charles

Runge Family Stone

Runge, Harold K.

Runge, Marjorie I.

Runzheimer, Lorinda G.

Runzheimer, Walter H.

Sabler, Karl J.

Sabler, Karl J. - Military

Sabler, Minnie

Sandley Family Stone

Sandley, Frank Andrew

Sandley, Millie Irene

Schade, Berdine

Schade, Elroy

Schade, Elroy - Military

Schade, Herman

Schade, Serena

Scheelk, Henry

Scheelk, Lydia E.


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Guptil Family (Locates in Oregon (Nov 1929)

Bio: Lamoric, Phillip (Profile - 01 Dec 1932)

Bio: Severson, Dorothy (Profile - 01 Dec 1932)

Bio: Strommen, Howard (University Short Course - Nov 1932)

BioM: Cronin, Gertrude (1933)

News: Greenwood - Hoehne Hardware remodeled (Apr 1933)

School: Greenwood H.S. Notes (14 Nov 1929)

School: Greenwood Grade School Honor Roll (17 Mar 1932)

School: Greenwood H.S. 1932 Graduation 

School: Greenwood St. Mary's Honor Roll (Mar 1932)


18 Feb 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital (Jul 1973)

Bio: Sternitzky, Bonnie L. (Engagement - 1973)

BioM: Hiles, Linda (1973)

BioM: Kleinmeyer, Debra Lee (1973)

News: Butler (2 Aug 1973)

News: Columbia (2 Aug 1973)

News: Greenwood (2 Aug 1973)

News: Neillsville Locals (2 Aug 1973)

News: Pleasant Ridge (2 Aug 1973)

Obit: Cook, Orin (? - 1973)


New Records Posted by Robert Lipprandt


Bio: Becker, Joseph (Dean’s List - 2014)

Bio: Bruehling, Sabrina (Dean’s List - 2014)

Bio: Hansen, Susanna (Dean’s List - 2014)

Bio: Hintz, Laura (Graduation - 2014)

Bio: Jackel, Jenna (Dean’s List - 2014)

Bio: Kaiser, Laura (Dean’s List - 2014)

Bio: Kelsey, Emily (Graduation - 2014)

Bio: Loertscher, Dylan (Dean’s List - 2014)

Bio: Raatz, Michael (Graduation - 2014)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Rashka, John - Military

Reckner, Albert W.

Reckner, Elnor H.

Reel, Mary B.

Reel, Roland W.

Reeves, Henry W.

Reeves, Henry W. - Military

Reeves, Herta O.

Reise, Herman Otto

Reise, Sophia

Reyer, Norma R.

Reyer, Richard R.

Richards, Olga V.

Riedel, Duane R.

Riedel, Gerhardt H.

Riedel, Marlys M.

Riedel, Viorene J.

Rinehart, Clifford Arnold

Rinehart, Norene A.

Roewe, Ardis Lucille


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Bonk, Constance (Engagement - Jan 1968)

Bio: Kaminski, Ted (Peace Corps Volunteer - Jan 1968)

Bio: Panek, Paulette (Engagement - Jan 1968)

Bio: Tomkowiak, Tom (Editor of Spectator - Jan 1968)

BioA: Symbal, Mr./Mrs. Alex Sr. (60th - 1968)

News: Gilman (18 Jan 1968)

News: Reseburg (25 Jan 1968)

News: Thorp (25 Jan 1968)

Obit: Nelson, Olaf (1892 - 1968)

Obit: Tarka, Kazimer (1873? - 1968)


17 Feb 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Bayuk Family (Anniversary & Reunion - 1973)

Bio: Drew Family (Reunion - 1973)

Bio: King, Mary L. (Engagement - 1973)

Bio: Lukes, Tom (University Graduate - 1973)

Bio: Magdziak, Jason Todd (Birth - 1973)

Bio: Schmitt, Douglas Allen (Birth - 1973)

BioM: Hainz, Janet M. (1973)

BioM: Marriages Licenses (Aug 1973)

News: Greenwood (2 Aug 1973)

News: Washburn (2 Aug 1973)

News: Willard (2 Aug 1973)


New Records Posted by Robert Lipprandt


Bio: Broeske, Nicolette (Dean’s List - 2014)

Bio: Halopka, Taylor (Dean’s List - 2014)

Bio: Hebda, Elizabeth (Dean’s List - 2014)

Bio: Kelsey, Emily (Graduation - 2014)

Bio: Leiby, Christine (Dean’s List - 2014)

Bio: Pinter, Jade (Dean’s List - 2014)

Bio: Raatz, Michael (Graduation - 2014)

Bio: Stuttgen, Jessica (Dean’s List - 2014)

Obit: Banie, Viola (1930 - 2015)

Obit: Blair, James C. (1928 - 2015)

Obit: Hough, Naida Mae (1928 - 2015)

Obit: Humm, Jacque L. (1930 - 2015)

Obit: Jicinsky, Paulette J. (1947 - 2015)

Obit: Linzner, Gail A. (1952 - 2015)

Obit: Strub, Paul A. (1943 - 2015)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Prange, Carl H.

Prange, Hermina

Preussner, Edwin - Military

Provinski, Frank

Provinski, Ida Mae

Provinski, Margaret

Raatz, Alice L.

Raatz, Bernard W.

Raatz, Edward A.

Raatz, Lee J.

Raatz, Mavis

Raczykowski, Diann E.

Raczykowski, Walter Victor

Rannow, Arnold L.

Rannow, Clara

Rannow, Joyce

Rannow, Howard A. - Military

Rannow, Otto

Rashka, John

Rashka, Renata


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Michur, Diane Marie (Engagement - Jan 1968)

Bio: Popowski, Ann (Engagement - Jan 1968)

Bio: Sandel, Ronald - Pfc. E-3 (Bronze Medal - Dec 1967)

Bio: Weber, Catherine (104th Birthday - 13 Jan 1968)

Bio: Winger, Sue Ann (Engagement - Dec 1967)

BioM: Fredrickson, Anita M. #2 (1967)

BioM: Lobacz, Georgia (1968)

News: South Worden (11 Jan 1968)

Obit: Mahr, Theodore “Dave” (1879 - 1968)

Obit: Smigla, Edward J. (1904 - 1968)


16 Feb 2015


New Record posted by Linda Cottrell-Sanders


Bio: Morstad, Rev. Erik Olsen (1879 - 1881)


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Hoeft Family (Reunion - 1973)

Bio: Hoffman, A1-C Donald A. (Military Notes - 1973)

Bio: Kirchenberg, Brian James (Birth - 1973)

Bio: Spencer, Sp. 5 James D. (Military Notes - 1973)

Bio: Zahradka Family (Reunion - 1973)

BioA: Eid, Mr. and Mrs. John (Silver - 1973)

BioM: Callaway, Carol Rose (1973)

BioM: Kaczor, Julie Ann (1973)

BioM: Vollrath, Janene Beth (1973)

News: Granton (2 Aug 1973)

News: Lynn (2 Aug 1973)

News: Willard (2 Aug 1973)


New Records Posted by Robert Lipprandt


News: Abbotsford (15 Jan 1925)

Obit: Andersen, Joyce C. #2 (1916 - 2015)

Obit: Beaumont, Myrna Marie (1939 - 2015)

Obit: Dable, Phyllis Kathleen (1924 - 2015)

Obit: Dohm, Betty M. (1921 - 2015)

Obit: Habermeyer, Charlotte M. (1911 - 2015)

Obit: Hagenkord, Joyce (1937 - 2015)

Obit: Kulas, Brian C. (1937 - 2015)

Obit: Metz, Philip G. (1950 - 2015)

Obit: Piller, Robert H. (1920 - 2015)

Obit: Simek, Ronald L. (1929 - 2015)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Osowski, Kaitilyn Olivia

Pacholke, Gertrude

Pacholke, Louis

Palmerton, Dale J.

Palmerton, Marian

Patitz, Emelia M.

Peachey, David J.

Peachey, Irene

Pearson, Axel

Pearson, Marie

Peters, Tess

Pfeffer, Frank

Pfeffer, Margaret

Pflanzer, George John

Pflanzer, Nora

Pipkorn, Eugene R.

Pipkorn, Ione M.

Podewels, Elroy

Pollack, John M.

Pollack, Marguerite J.


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Obit: Dekker, Paul W. (? - 2014)

Obit: Kaiser, Harold L. (1938 - 2015)

Obit: Nissula, Ronnie A. (1959 - 2015)

Obit: Rittenhouse, Wesley A. (1923 - 2015)

Obit: Schecklman, Edward R. (1931 - 2015)

Obit: Vetterkind, Frances E. "Tiny" (1931 - 2015)


13 Feb 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Good Old Days 1 Oct 2014

Bio: Johnson, Dick (Accolades for Military Service - 2015)

Bio: Shilts, Daina - X-Games Medal (Competition - Jan 2015)

Bio: Zimmerman, Dee (Spotlight Award - 2015)

News: Clark Co. - 1897  Jail Museum (Jan Meet - 2015)

News: Clark Co. - Fatal Plane Crash (4 Feb 2015)

News: Clark Co. - College Notes (28 Jan 2015)

News: Neilsville Legion Recognizes Walker Volunteers (2014)


New Records Posted by Robert Lipprandt


Bio: Werner, Sandra (President’s List - 2014)

Church: Abbotsford Christ Lutheran (Installation - 1925)

Obit: Andersen, Joyce C. (1930 - 2015)

Obit: Dehn, Lois Elizabeth (1926? - 2015)

Obit: Haberman, Mrs. W. (1855? - 1925)

Obit: Thorne, Harriet Lucille (1925 - 2015)

Obit: Wagner, Dale E. (1947? - 2015)

Obit: Will, Jeanette M. #2 (1928 - 2015)

Obit: Wozniak, Ann #2 (1915 - 2015)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Nehring, Evelyn M.

Nehring, Michael J.

Neitzel, Erna I. A.

Neitzel, Walter E.

Nelson, Beverly M.

Nelson, Harley Julius

Neuhaus, Herbert

Neuhaus, Malinda F.

Nunemaker, Richard C.

Nunemaker, Richard C. - Military

Oehmichen Family Stone

Oehmichen, Delores J.

Oehmichen, Edwin R.

Oehmichen, Ella

Oehmichen, Elmer W.

Oehmichen, James R.

Oehmichen, Margaret

Oehmichen, Margaret

Oehmichen, Ralph

Olson, Ruth E.


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Frese, Zeta L. (Engagement - Jun 1967)

Bio: Halida, Lawrence (Master's Degree - 9 Jun 1967)

Bio: Wehlacz, Lorraine (Bank Manager - Jul 1967)

Bio: Weideman, Donald D. (Promoted to M. Sgt. - 12 Jun 1967)

BioM: Kociuba, Jane E. (1967)

News: South Worden (29 Jun 1967)

Obit: Arndt, Raymond #3 (1910 - 1967)

Obit: Leja, Fred E. (1895? - 1967)

Obit: Stszeszynski, Sophie (1893 - 1967)

Obit: Turek, Mary (1892 - 1967)


12 Feb 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


News: Neillsville - Tea at Tufts’ (1 Mar 2015)

News: Thorp Area - Campus Highlights (28 Jan 2015)

Obit: Anderson, William ‘Billy’ Charles Jr. (1939 - 2015)

Obit: Olson, Burton L. (1947 - 2015)

Obit: Palmer, Jessie E. (1925 - 2015)

Obit: Ringstad, John Hunter #2 (1926 - 2015)

Obit: Schlinsog, Kathryn Elizabeth (1925 - 2015)

Obit: St. Amand, Jerome ‘Spider’ L. (1929 - 2015)

Obit: Strebing, Frances (1915 - 2015)


New Records Posted by Robert Lipprandt


Bio: Bruger, Warren (President’s List - 2014)

Bio: Decker, Megan (Dean’s List - 2014)

Bio: Hull, Samara (Dean’s List - 2014)

Bio: Kilty, Chael John (Birth - 2014)

Bio: Pinter, Lacy Lynn (Birth - 2014)

Bio: Rahm, Josh (Dean’s List - 2014)

Bio: Rieck, Payton David (Birth - 2014)

Bio: Studinger, Alana Lee (Birth - 2015)

Bio: Voss, Loren (Graduation - 2014)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Miller, Bernice Ruth

Miller, Ella Ida

Miller, George F.

Miller, Harold C.

Miller, Kenneth H.

Miller, Marilyn Marie

Miller, Norman

Miller, Norman - Military

Miller, Sharon

Molle, Albert L.

Molle, Lena B.

Morrow, Caroline

Morrow, Donald

Mueller, Gwen R.

Mueller, Hazel A.

Mueller, Laurence A.

Mueller, Laurence A. - Military

Mueller, William H.

Nacker, Douglas

Neuman, Shayne H.


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Brandt, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Marlin (Birth - 1967)

Bio: Schmidt, Luellyn (Engagement - Dec 1967)

News: Gilman (21 Dec 1967)

News: Reseburg (21 Dec 1967)

News: South Worden (21 Dec 1967)

Obit: Mattson, William H. (1903 - 1967)

Obit: Paczkowski, Frances (1875 - 1967)

Obit: Sayles, Arthur E. (1880 - 1967)

Obit: Strovers, Bertha J. (1895 - 1967)

Obit: Tytor, Walter E. (1885 - 1967)


11 Feb 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Backus, Air Force SSgt. William W. (Military Notes - 1973)

Bio: Bauer, Airman 1st Class Patrick J. (Military Notes - 1973)

Bio: Bucheger, Jerome P. (Military Notes - 1973)

Bio: Haggerty, Charlene (Chancellor’s Award - 1973)

Bio: Tock, Thomas (Dean’s List - 1973)

Bio: Zickert, Capt. Martin J. (Military Notes - 1973)

BioM: Lesniewski, Mary Ann (1973)

BioM: Wehrman, Vicki Lee (1973)

News: Greenwood (26 Jul 1973)

News: Lynn (26 Jul 1973)

News: Washburn (26 Jul 1973)

School: Pine Valley Mound, Neillsville, Wisconsin


New Records Posted by Robert Lipprandt


Obit: Baumann, Mary Ann (1925 - 2015)

Obit: Frost, Thorvald (1924 - 2014)

Obit: Guralski, Arthur F. (1930 - 2015)

Obit: Hanneman, Carole H. (1926 - 2015)

Obit: Karlen, Leonard J. (1924 - 2015)

Obit: Kearns, Donald E. (1937 - 2015)

Obit: Martin, Helen R. (1931 - 2015)

Obit: Polacek, Mary A. (1912 - 2015)

Obit: Ripley, Elnora Mae (1925 - 2015)

Obit: Schutten, John David (1941 - 2015)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


McGhee, Helen T.

McGhee, Hugh

McGhee, Patricia

Mellenthin Family Stone

Mellenthin, Dawn Marie

Mellenthin, Gordon Ray

Mellenthin, Marion L.

Mews, Edward A.

Mews, Frieda

Meyer, Robert E.

Michlig, Dorene A.

Michlig, Jerome J.

Michlig, Jerome J. - Military

Mielke, Anna Hulda

Mielke, Emilie

Mielke, Leopold

Mielke, Otto

Mierkey, Clara J.

Mierkey, Evan W.

Miller, Bernadine Marie


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Brandt, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Lyle (Birth - 1967)

Bio: Henderson, Son of Mr./Mrs. Barry (Birth - 1967)

Bio: Hendzel, Jean W. (Engagement - Sep 1967)

Bio: Krarup, James (2nd Lt. - Nov 1967)

Bio: Skaleski, Sylvester (Sailor of the Quarter - Nov 1967)

BioM: Chamberlain, Sandra L. (1967)

News: South Worden (07 Dec 1967)

Obit: Ehlert, Arthur #2 (1887 - 1967)

Obit: Hassing, Paul B. (1899? - 1967)

Obit: Schultze, Henry #3 (1924 - 1967)


10 Feb 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: King, Jason (Neillsville Police Dept - 2015)

Bio: Schmidt, Todd (Certificate of Recognition - 2015)

News: Thorp Area (UW-La Crosse Dean’s List - 2015)

Obit: Bannack, Lorraine (1916 - 2014)

Obit: Gurney, Elma Mae (1917 - 2015)

Obit: Gurney, Eugene Allen #2 (1940 - 2015)

Obit: Schwark, Daniel Gustave (1943 - 2015)

Obit: Wendt, Melvin (1944 - 2015)

Obit: Wozniak, Ann (1915 - 2015)

Obit: Zakrzewicz, Eugene Francis (1927 - 2015)


New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt


Bio: Cantu, Lillian Rian (Birth - 2014)

Bio: Chart, Ava Grace (Birth - 2014)

Bio: Reyzer, Lauren Corinne (Birth - 2014)

News: Abbotsford (8 Jan 1925)

Obit: Alleman, Margaret E. (1921 - 2014)

Obit: Bergmann, Roland William (1922? - 2015)

Obit: Hetchler, Beverly E. (1940 - 2015)

Obit: Untiedt, Marlene F. (1941 - 2015)

Obit: Zakrzewicz, Dorothy M. (1931 - 2001)

Obit: Zakrzewicz, Eugene Francis #2 (1927 - 2015)

Obit: Zirngibl, Louise L. (1927 - 2015)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Lueschow, Arline

Lueschow, Roy George

Lueschow, Roy George - Military

Luhrson, Delos

Luhrsen, Elsie A.

Lukowicz, Leo Joseph

Lukowicz, Leo Joseph - Military

Lukowicz, Leo Joseph III

Mandel, Albert H.

Mandel, Dorothy A.

Mandel, Harry E.

Mandel, JuLaine

Mandel, Leona

Martens, Emil John

Martens, John E.

Martens, Rose W.

Martens, Norman E.

Martens, Virgene

Marx, Alvina C.

Marx, John


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Budzinski, Barbara Ann (Engagement - Nov 1967)

Bio: Frese, Larry F. -Sgt. E5 (Army Commendation - Nov 1967)

BioM: Flaa, Janis C. (1967)

Obit: Kewin, Jack (1945 - 1967)

Obit: Liss, Laura F. (1915? - 1967)

Obit: Mathison, Anna (1886 - 1967)

Obit: Perkins, Grace (1884 - 1967)

Obit: Przybylski, Richard (1934? - 1967)

Obit: Straszkowski, Frances (1898 - 1967)

Obit: Tieman, Donald Sr. #2 (1907 - 1967)


09 Feb 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Obit: Cliver, Robert ‘Bob’ C. (1935 - 2015)

Obit: Luchterhand, Sylvia B. #2 (1925 - 2015)

Obit: Mattes, Philip O. #2 (1941 - 2015)

Obit: Mattes, Philip O. #3 (1941 - 2015)

Obit: Paun, John N. (1938 - 2015)

Obit: Stillman, Chester P. #2 (1920 - 2015)

Obit: Vetterkind, Carol Lorraine (1929 - 2015)

Obit: Wilhelm, Stella Jean (1917 - 2015)


New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt


Obit: Baer, Thomas P. (1940 - 2015)

Obit: Lokken, Helen E. (1928 - 2015)

Obit: Miller, Adeline (1917 - 2015)

Obit: See, Barbara Ann (1929 - 2015)

Obit: Smazal, Philip L. (1967 - 2015)

Obit: Webb, Dorothy M. (1939 - 2015)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Bachmayer, Janice

Leffel, Bertha

Leffel, Otto

Lenander, Douglas J.

Lenander, Susan C.

Lindsay, John E.

Lindsay, Julia F.

Loos, Clinton George

Loos, Gladys

Loos, Marian

Loos, Nina

Loos, Sherman

Loos, Vernon

Loos, Walter H.

Loucks, Daniel S.

Loucks, John Kenneth

Loucks, John Kenneth - Military

Loucks, Lemuel F.

Loucks, Llewellyn F.

Loucks, Rosalie


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Benzschawel, Reinold L. (Bronze Star Medal - 1967)

Bio: Borowski, Susan Marie (Engagement - Jun 1967)

Bio: Frese, Larry, Sp.4 (Silver Star - Jun 1967)

Bio: Heiman, Jerome R. (Commissioned - 4 Jun 1967)

Bio: Laurent, Jerome K. (WSU Promotion - 1967)

Bio: Scherf, Natalie (Honored - 1 Jun 1967)

BioA: Lamberton, Mr./Mrs. Bion (65th - 1967)

BioM: Butek, Elizabeth M. (1967)

Obit: Chodera, Thomas (1911 - 1967)

Obit: Gurney, Eugene A. “Gene” (1940 - 2015)

Obit: Ringstad, John H. (1926 - 2015)

Obit: Strebe, Timothy B. “Iggy” (1962 - 2015)

Obit: Will, Jeanette M. (1928 - 2015)

School: Thorp H.S. (Top Scholars - 1967)


19 Jan 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Newell Family (Reunion -1973)

Church: Neillsville - Calvary Lutheran (New Pastor - 1973)

News: Columbia (12 Jul 1973)

News: Neillsville Locals (12 Jul 1973)

News: Searching for the history of Sidney, Wisconsin

Obit: Hauge, Emma (1884 - 1973)

Obit: Jenni, Werner (1901 - 1973)

Obit: Moen, Bertha M. (1890 - 1973)


New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt


Obit: Behrens, June Winefred (1917 - 2015)

Obit: Froeba, Dan (1955 - 2014)

Obit: Fuchs, Paul B. (1969 - 2015)

Obit: Haas, William O. Jr. #2 (1926 - 2015)

Obit: Hahn, Catherine C. (1935 - 2015)

Obit: Hoffmann, James W. (1945 - 2015)

Obit: Oliver, Madeleine B. (1941 - 2015)

Obit: Stauske, Bernard V. (1948 - 2015)

Obit: Strebe, Nobuko Akase (1938 - 2014)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Krueger, Dena

Krueger, Frank

Krueger, Max R.

Kunick, Melvin Leon

Kunick, Melvin Leon - Military

Kunick, Thelma H.

Kunick, Thelma H. - Military

Laabs, Alfred

Laabs, Anna Maria

Laabs, Arthur G.

Laabs, Harriet

Laabs, Emil August

Laabs, Lulu K.

Ladwig, Emma

Ladwig, Frank

Langjahr, Arvin T.

Langjahr, Ellis

Langjhar, Velma M.

Langahr, Ruth

Laux, Edgar

Laux, Mary Lydia


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Alger, Karen Louise (Engagement - Nov 1967)

Bio: Meske, Joseph (Graduates Automation Trng. - Nov 1967)

BioA: Baldeschwiler, Mr./Mrs. Anton (60th - 1967)

News: Gilman (23 Nov 1967)

News: Reseburg (23 Nov 1967)

News: Thorp (23 Nov 1967)

News: South Worden (02 Nov 1967)

Obit: Koch, Frank J. (1895? - 1967)

Obit: Laniewski, Sophia (1885 - 1967)

Obit: Lencz, Steven (1884 - 1967)


16 Jan 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Good Old Days 24 Sep 2014

Bio: Bottlemy, Sherry Lee (Birth - 1973)

Bio: Johnson-Gustafson Family (Reunion - 1973)

BioM: Bolf, Linda Kay (1973)

BioM: Olson, Sharon Louise (1973)

News: Columbia (19 Jul 1973)

News: Granton (19 Jul 1973)

News: Greenwood (19 Jul 1973)

News: Neillsville - Wahl Drug Store (Heimann New Owner - 1973)

News: Neillsville Locals (19 Jul 1973)

Obit: Lenz, Wilbur (? - 1973)


New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt


Bio: Koepke, Emma Katherine (Birth - 2014)

Bio: Wolfe, Kayla (Engagement - 2014)

Obit: Baumgartner, David Joseph (1941 - 2015)

Obit: Cacioppo, Peter Elliot (1944 - 2014)

Obit: Calero, Margaret Ann (1933 - 2014)

Obit: Eisner, Edward Ronald (1929 - 2014)

Obit: Jasmer, Dale Irvin #2 (1925 - 2014)

Obit: Luft, Katheryn Ann (? - 2014)

Obit: Pember, Larry J. (1949 - 2014)

Obit: Story, Darrel (1938 - 2015)

Obit: Weigand, Audrey Augusta (1923 - 2015)

School: Colby High School Requirements (23 Dec 1885)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Koffarnus, William C.

Kops, Evelyn L.

Kops, Gerald G.

Kops, Herman R.

Kops, Jamie M.

Kops, Leone

Kops, Lester G.

Kops, Lillian

Kops, Norman L.

Kops, Pearl P.

Kramer, Clara M.

Kramer, Julius A.

Krauter, Arnold

Krauter, Luella

Krueger, Alvin C.

Krueger, Arnold

Krueger, Arnold - Military

Krueger, Lois

Krueger, Marion E.

Krueger, Ethel


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Bogumill, George P. (Commendation Medal - Sep 1967)

Bio: Knusta, Marie Olga (Engagement - Oct 1967)

Bio: Schreier, Rita Rose (Engagement - Oct 1967)

Bio: Siudak, Rita Lynn (Birth - 1967)

BioM: Christensen, Mary Jo #2 (1967)

BioM: Vlosak, Noreen B. (1967)

News: Lublin (26 Oct 1967)

News: Reseburg (26 Oct 1967)

Obit: Bantz, Lucille M. (1929 - 2015)

Obit: Cole, Donald O. (1925 - 2015)

Obit: Depa, Petronella (Kobylinski) #2 (1890 - 1967)

Obit: Luchterhand, Sylvia (1925 - 2015)

Obit: Manthey, Ruth F. (1921 - 2015)

Obit: Mattes, Philip O. (1941 - 2015)

Obit: Ramberg, Emma B.. (1893 - 1967)

Obit: Stillman, Chester P. (1920 - 2015)


15 Jan 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Truman (Attend Reunion - 1973)

Bio: Kren Family (Reunion - 1973)

Bio: Olsen Family (Reunion - 1973)

Bio: Olson Sisters (Engagements - 1973)

Bio: Schoengarth, Dr. Lowell Don (Continues Studies - 1973)

Church: Granton, Zion Lutheran Church (Meeting - 1973)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (July 1973)

News: Greenwood (19 Jul 1973)

News: Lynn (19 Jul 1973)

News: Neillsville Locals (19 Jul 1973)

News: Pleasant Ridge (19 Jul 1973)


Special New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Henchen, Wilbert (Army Veteran Service - 2015)

Bio: Kranz Family (Pays it Forward - Dec 2014)


New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt


Obit: Beisner, Dorothy B. #2 (1921 - 2014)

Obit: Belanger, Lyle J. #2 (1932 - 2014)

Obit: Chesmore, Jessica (? - 2014)

Obit: Daellenbach, Lucille A. #3 (1917 - 2014)

Obit: Mantik, Violet A. (1923 - 2014)

Obit: Mitschka, Alice Adeline (1922 - 2014)

Obit: Travis, Gerald Robert (1937 - 2014)

Obit: Weix, Doris (1948 - 2014)

Obit: Wisnewski, Edmund E. (1932 - 2014)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Kilty, Mary Lou

Kilty, Vern T.

Klessig, Ely

Klessig, Harold C.

Klessig, Jean L.

Klessig, Olive L.

Klessig, Raymond

Knutson, Dolores A.

Knutson, Norman

Kobs Family Stone

Kobs, Eveline

Kobs, Norman A.

Kobs, Norman A. - Military

Kobs, Roger Roland

Koch, James

Koch, Martha

Koch, Penny

Koenig, Clarence

Koenig, Leola

Koffarnus, Leona L.


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Christensen, Mary Jo (Engagement - Aug 1967)

Bio: Ebben, Dale L. (Appointment - Aug 1967)

Bio: Micke, Sharon (Engagement - Aug 1967)

Bio: Papierniak, Jerilyn (Engagement - Aug 1967)

BioM: Papierniak, Barbara G. (1967)

BioM: Prokopiak, Irene V. (1967)

BioM: Wilczek, Theresa (1967)

Obit: Depa, Anna M. (1897 - 1967)

Obit: Haas, Kenneth #2 (1946 - 1967)


14 Jan 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Dux, Mrs. Robert (Birthday - 1973)

Bio: Mott, Barbara Jean (Engagement - 1973)

History: Granton "Welcome Sign" - donated by the Steiner Family (2015)

News: Butler (19 Jul 1973)

News: Neillsville (19 Jul 1973)

News: Washburn (19 Jul 1973)

Obit: Lindner, Otto #2 (1899 - 1973)

Obit: Mead, Leighton (? - 1973)

Obit: Seelow, Sarah (1897 - 1973)

School: NHS Class of 1963 (10 Year Reunion - 1973)


New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt


Obit: Augustine, Marvin C. (1920 - 2014)

Obit: Bergs, Dolores Marion (1924 - 2014)

Obit: Burggraf, Thomas M. (1952 - 2014)

Obit: Furger, Marie E. (1917 - 2014)

Obit: Kurtzweil, Maryanne (1922 - 2014)

Obit: Michalewicz, RoseAnne B. (1929 - 2014)

Obit: Nowacki, Delores A. (1935 - 2014)

Obit: Prihoda, Rita F. (1916 - 2014)

Obit: Stencil, Ruth E. (1929 - 2014)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Karpinski, Edwin W.

Karpinski, Edwin W. - Military

Karpinski, Vera

Kasper, Fern E.

Kasper, Harold A.

Kasper, Jerome Harvey

Kasper, Joanne M.

Kasper, Kenneth L.

Kasper, Lyle L.

Kilty Family Stone

Kilty, Catherine

Kilty, Donna Mae "Woodsy"

Kilty, Glenn W.

Kilty, Lorraine

Kilty, Lucille A.

Kilty, Marvin D.

Kilty, Mayme A.

Kilty, Melvin V.

Kilty, Patricia

Kilty, Richard


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Benzschawel, Philip Allen (Birth - 1967)

Bio: Lobacz, Georgia Marie (Engagement - Oct 1967)

BioM: Frese, Zeta L. (1967)

BioM: Jarmoluk, Elizabeth (1967)

News: Thorp (26 Oct 1967)

Obit: Decker, Joseph L. (1891 - 1967)

Obit: Dressler, Louis (1890? - 1967)

Obit: Gay, Delia #2 (1925 - 1967)

Obit: Holstein, Esther (1895 - 1967)

Obit: Sandel, Ronald #2 (1946 - 1967)


13 Jan 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Obit: Bush, Marian Lucille (1914 - 2014)

Obit: Domine, Helen I. #2 (1913 - 2015)

Obit: Evanson, Florence (1917 - 2015)

Obit: Goeke, Harvey W. #2 (1933 - 2014)

Obit: Herman, Colleen Marie (1926 - 2015)

Obit: Jasmer, Dale Irwin #3 (1925 - 2014)

Obit: Kielkucki, Daniel (1944 - 2014)

Obit: Kotcon, Roselyn D. #2 (1932 - 2015)

Obit: Moore, Ruth June (1929 - 2014)

Obit: Pitt, Dorothy Ann (1930 - 2015)

Obit: Zielanis, Pauline Martha (1917 - 2014)


New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt


Bio: Grinker, Asher John (Birth - 2014)

Bio: Konieczny, Isabella Marie (Birth - 2014)

Church: Abbotsford St. Bernard’s (Confirmation - 2014)

Church: Loyal Trinity Lutheran (Christmas Concert - 2014)

News: Colby Phonograph (9 Dec 1885)

Obit: Benson, John S. (1947? - 2014)

Obit: Brost, Thomas P. (1936 - 2014)

Obit: Goessl, Florence A. (1918 - 2014)

Obit: Hempel, Alta June (1926 - 2014)

Obit: Kluck, Elizabeth A. (1970 - 2014)

Obit: Mabie, Robert J. (1944 - 2014)

Obit: Marlenga, Frank F. (1922 - 2014)

Obit: Metz, Marjorie E. (1947 - 2014)

Obit: Ovans, Doris Ann (1933 - 2014)

Obit: Swenson, Florence Marie (1919 - 2014)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Jensen, Agnes C.

Jensen, DuWayne W.

Jensen, William P.

Jensen, William P. - Military

Jochimson, Lisa M.

Johnson, Barbara J.

Johnson, Loren E.

Johnson, Louise

Johnson, Oscar

Johnson, Sherry R.

Johnson, William G.

Justman, Lorraine

Justman, Louis William

Justman, Louis William - Military

Justman, Pauline Louise

Kademan Family Stone

Kademan, David A.

Kademan, Ervin O.

Kademan, Orine G.

Kademan, Verna


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Hintz, Laura (Wins Modeling Contest - Sep 1967)

Bio: Kubera, Merry Gaye (Engagement - Sep 1967)

BioM: Borowski, Susan M. (1967)

BioM: Fasnacht, Carol (1967)

BioM: Papierniak, Jerilyn J. (1967)

Obit: Booth, Glenn L. (1914 - 1967)

Obit: Dobiesz, Frances (1889 - 1967)

Obit: Krause, Fred W. (1887 - 1967)

Obit: Sandel, Ronald (1946 - 1967)

Obit: Timlin, Rose (1876 - 1967)


12 Jan 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


BioM: Huth, Sharon Kay (1973)

BioM: Marriage Licenses (12 Jul 1973)

News: Greenwood (12 Jul 1973)

News: Neillsville Locals (12 Jul 1973)

News: Neillsville Locals (12 Jul 1973)

News: Willard (12 Jul 1973)

Obit: Plautz, Floyd James (1931 - 2014)

Obit: Revoy, Dale P. (1942 - 2014)

Obit: Stevens, Bernda (? - 2014)


New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt


Obit: Dassow, Hilbert George Jr. (1950 - 2014)

Obit: Dubois, Toby A. (1970 - 2014)

Obit: Hamann, Ralph H. (1934 - 2014)

Obit: Hart, Beverly M. (1949 - 2014)

Obit: Hatlestad, Alma L. #2 (1912? - 2014)

Obit: Hubbard, Roger R. (1951 - 2014)

Obit: Kangas, Richard E. #2 (1952 - 2014)

Obit: Knight, Arlie Wayne (1936 - 2014)

Obit: Krueger, Delwin Louis (1929 - 2014)

Obit: Pautz, Terry L. (1954? - 2014)

Obit: Spreen, William G. Jr. (1922 - 2014)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Holland, Bert

Holland, Jack A.

Holland, Thomas L.

Holtzheimer, Julie Ann

Homer, James F.

Homer, Viola E.

Hornick, Cecil M.

Hornick, Harold J.

Hornick, Harold J. - Military

Hubbard, Adelbert E.

Hubbard, Nellie

Hudson, Harold

Jacobson, Ruth Ann

Jacobson, Tilmer I.

Jannene, Julia

Jannene, Ralph

Jannene, Ralph - Military

Jecevecus, Barbara J.

Jecevecus, Peter A.

Jecevecus, Peter A. - Military


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Balicki, Arthur M. (Army Specialist - Aug 1967)

Bio: Cox, Sandra Karen (Birth - 1967)

Bio: Lewan, Lisa Rae (Birth - 1967)

Bio: Schmidt, Patricia Ann (Birth - 1967)

Bio: Sciezor, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Marion Jr. (Birth - 1967)

Bio: Walteraitis, Candace (Birth - 1967)

BioM: Sielaff, Nancy (1967)

BioM: Smola, Janice K. (1967)

News: Lublin (28 Sep 1967)

Obit: Witek, John M. (1880 - 1967)


09 Jan 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Good Old Days 17 Sep 2014

Bio: Bryan, Army Pvt. Jesse A. (Military Notes - 2014)

News: Neillsville (10 Dec 2014)

Obit: Forsting, Harley Rain (2014 - 2014)

Obit: Kotlowski, Marcella E. (1937 - 2014)

Obit: Palms, Gary Lewis (1952 - 2014)

Obit: Rossenbach, LaVerne Rosamond (1916 - 2014)

Obit: Spencer, Marion Russell (1923 - 2014)

Obit: Stini, Anton V. ‘Tony’ (1930 - 2014)

Obit: Upton, Gavin Ray (1930 - 2014)

School: Thorp High School (Yearbooks - 2014)


New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt


Church: Edgar Hope Lutheran (5th Anniversary - 2014)

Obit: Arndt, Ervin A. (1926 - 2014)

Obit: Barton, Erika J. (1949 - 2005)

Obit: Belter, Joseph (1908 - 2005)

Obit: Berger, Eleanor R. (1914 - 2005)

Obit: Borchardt, Marian Grace (1926 - 2005)

Obit: Downey, Larry R. (1955 - 2005)

Obit: Fahrenbach, Patricia J. (1925 - 2005)

Obit: Hatton, Milton Lee (1927 - 2005)

Obit: Jones, Mary Virginia (1928 - 2014)

Obit: Martin, Kim L. (1956 - 2005)

Obit: Metz, Irene M. (1913 - 2005)

Obit: Schabel, Grace M. (1937? - 2014)

Obit: Sigmund, Troy Dennis (1948 - 2014)

Obit: Webster, Evelyn E. (1918 - 2005)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Hendrix, Joyce M.

Hendrix, Robert L. - Military

Heppner, Marcia Mae

Herrmann, Darlene

Herrmann, Glenn C.

Herrmann, Richard A.

Heucke, Louis H.

Heucke, Marie

Hilber, Leo

Hilber, Leo - Military

Hoeg, Norma J.

Hoeg, Phillip R.

Hoernke, Lawrence "Jake"

Hoernke, Mae

Hoernke, Ronald L.

Hofman, Albert

Hofman, Karl

Hofman, Wilma

Hofmann, John

Holland, Arline


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Obit: Baierl, Monica T. (1940 - 2015)

Obit: Domine, Helen I. (1913 - 2015)

Obit: Goeke, Harvey W. (1933 - 2014)

Obit: Haas, William O. "Bill" (1926 - 2015)

Obit: Kotcon, Roselyn D. (1932 - 2015)

Obit: Krause, Doris R. (1928 - 2015)

Obit: Pagelsdorf, Lucille E. (1920 - 2014)

Obit: Rogstad, Robert E. "Bob" (1935 - 2014)

Obit: Stulo, Robert G. "Bob" (1936 - 2015)


08 Jan 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Bushman, Michelle Christy (Birth - 1973)

Bio: Decker, Jennifer Alice (Birth - 1973)

History:  Butler Township, Clark Co., Wisconsin (1896)

News: Abbotsford Christmas Parade (44th Annual - Dec 2014)

News: Globe - Lucky Clovers 4-H (Nov Meeting - 2014)

News: Greenwood (12 Jul 1973)

News: Neillsville Locals (3 Dec 2014)

Obit: Franke, Kurt Robert (1905 - 1973)

Obit: Henchen, Robert C. #3 (? - 2014)

Obit: Opelt, Gordon L. #2 (1944 - 2014)


New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt


Obit: Abney, Jack (1928 - 2014)

Obit: Belanger, Donna Mae Ethel (1935 - 2014)

Obit: Belanger, Lyle J. (1932 - 2014)

Obit: Brill, Mildred M. (1921 - 2014)

Obit: Daellenbach, Lucille A. (1917 - 2014)

Obit: Giles, Christine (1921 - 2014)

Obit: Graveen, Ronald A. (1934 - 2014)

Obit: Hartl, Michael J. (1933 - 2014)

Obit: Jarvis, Dean R. (1952 - 2014)

Obit: Normand, Carol V. (1939 - 2014)

Obit: Zinkowich, John (1934 - 2014)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Hardrath, Donald A

Hardrath, Henry

Hardrath, Jean

Hardrath, Leland

Hardrath, Mabel

Hass Family

Hass, Reuben W.

Hass, Ronald "Hassie"

Hass, Ronald "Hassie" - Military

Hass, Winifred G.

Hautamaki, Bob

Hautamaki, Marlene

Hazelick, Harriet A.

Hazeldick, Raymond W.

Hazeldick, Raymond W. - Military

Hederer, Herbert E.

Hederer, Herbert E. - Military

Hederer, Virginia

Heide, Edwin W.

Heide, Jennie


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Hager, Janice Carol (Engagement - Sep 1967)

Bio: Hedler, Lynn Marie (Baptism - 24 Sep 1967)

BioA: Roberts, Mr./Mrs. Fred (Silver - 1967)

BioM: Shewczyk, Patricia (1967)

BioM: Zajack, Cecelia A. (1967)

News: Reseburg (28 Sep 1967)

News: Thorp (28 Sep 1967)

News: South Worden (21 Sep 1967)

Obit: Karlen, Anna G. (1896 - 1967)

Obit: Lawrence, Ross G. (1886 - 1967)


07 Jan 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


History: Granton, WI Barn Quilt Trail

Bio: Lezotte Family (Reunion - 1973)

BioA: McKevitt, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, Sr. (47th - 1973)

News: Granton (12 Jul 1973)

News: Pleasant Ridge (12 Jul 1973)

News: Willard (12 Jul 1973)

Obit: Champa, Michael (1946 -1973)

Obit: Doud, Howard, Sr. (? - 1973)

Obit: Lenz, Wilbur Hugo (1909 - 1973)

School: Loyal H.S. Class of 1948 (25th Reunion - 1973)


New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt


Bio: Arndt, Browning Michael (Birth - 2014)

Bio: Sebold, Ava Faith (Birth - 2014)

BioM: Hale, Linda (20 Sep 2014)

Church: Abbotsford St. Bernard’s (Cookie Walk - 2014)

Church: Edgar Hope Lutheran (Thanksgiving Service - 2014)

Church: Stetsonville Zion Lutheran (Hunters Service - 2014)

News: Milan (7 Nov 1923)

Obit: Cummings, Louise M. (1932 - 2014)

Obit: Draeger, Delores Ann (1930 - 2014)

Obit: Hansen, Marian L. (1929? - 2014)

Obit: Lissner, Helen F. (1930 - 2014)

Obit: Ohlinger, Jerome C. (1943 - 2014)

Obit: Redszus, Barbara Jean (1942 - 2014)


New Tombstone Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson


Colby Memorial


Hainzlsperger, Ervin Otto

Hainzlsperger, Mary L.

Haltaufderheide, Edwin - Military

Halverson, Arthur A.

Halverson, Diane Clara

Halverson, Faye A.

Halverson, Fern O.

Hamilton, Bernice

Hamilton, Mildred R.

Hamilton, Orvel J.

Hamilton, Robert

Hamilton, Robert - Military

Hanne, Charles

Hanne, Eldred A.

Hanne, Elroy

Hanne, Emma

Hanne, Harold E.

Hanne, Irene A.

Hanne, Mildred D.

Hanson, Christine

Hanson, Roy T.


New Records posted by Stan Schwarze


Bio: Fredrickson, Anita Marie (Engagement - Sep 1967)

BioM: Ogurek, Shirley C. (1967)

BioM: Podhola, Karla Ann (1967)

Obit: Dallman, Benjamin F. #4 (1903 - 1967)

Obit: Debevec, Ronald A. #2 (1948 - 1967)

Obit: Komon, Joseph (1915 - 1967)

Obit: Nowak, Joseph (1887 - 1967)

Obit: Oscars, Louise (1906 - 1967)

Obit: Seefeldt, Elma (1897 - 1967)

Obit: Swierkowski, Anton (1905 - 1967)


06 Jan 2015


New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon


Bio: Brown, Greta Kathleen (Baptism - 2014)

Bio: Dunek, Tassia Ann (Baptism - 2014)

Bio: Miller, Clarence (Army Veteran Service - 2014)

News: Clark Co. - College Notes (12 Dec 2014)

News: Neillsville Veterans Recognized (8 Dec 2014)

News: Neillsville (17 Dec 2014)

Obit: Haase, Paul Sylvester (1917 - 2014)

Obit: Jasmer, Dale I. (1925? - 2014)

Obit: Travis, Gerald R. #2 (1937 - 2014)


New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt


Obit: Aichele, Bonnie A. (1933 - 2014)

Obit: Bunkelman, Lloyd (1926 - 2014)

Obit: Egle, Latischa L. (1913 - 2007)

Obit: Gaab, Jerome G. (1931 - 2007)

Obit: Hatlestad, Stella G. (1906 - 2007)

Obit: Knop, Hattie M. (1923 - 2014)

Obit: LaBarge, Roman F. (1931 - 2007)

Obit: Ogle, Glen Ray (1936 - 2014)